Which of the following things would you do instead of run on the treadmill?
A. Clean toilets.
B. Watch a live-action Alvin and the Chipmunks movie marathon.
C. Literally die.
D. All of the above first, then maybe I’d consider it.
I can’t run on the treadmill without a screen in front of my face. First of all, when I run on the treadmill, it is so loud. I’m Stompy McStompface. I can’t follow episodic shows because of this. I know some people like to watch Scandal or NCIS or something like that, but I would be lost in the first five minutes, mostly because these are the type of shows where the characters barely speak above a whisper.
Second, and I know this is surprising, but sometimes I am concentrating when I run, so I miss zone out.
So I choose only to watch reality TV while running on the treadmill. Here is a list of my 9 favorites. Some haven’t started yet or are mid-season, but you can usually find past episodes either On Demand or on the network’s apps and websites.
Dancing with the Stars
Network: ABC
Day/Time: Mondays at 8 p.m.
There’s music and dancing, and you don’t need to hear what the B celebs are saying. Just crank up the music and run.
Real Housewives
Network: Bravo
Day/Time: See below
Okay, so Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Tuesdays at 9 p.m., pictured above) was sort of boring this season. But I can’t get enough of this stupid franchise on Bravo. Real Housewives of New York starts Wednesday (9 p.m.) and Real Housewives of Dallas (Mondays at 10 p.m.) starts April 11. Atlanta (Sundays at 8 p.m.) has come to a close this season, and Potomac (Sundays at 10 p.m.) and Beverly Hills are winding down.

Fit to Fat to Fit
Network: A&E
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 10 p.m.
I admit to having some problems with the assumptions this show makes (stereotypes of both overweight people and trainers that I think they are trying to break, but aren’t very successful at it simply because of the editing), but fitness shows never fail to inspire me while I’m working out.
Spartan Race Series
Network: NBC and NBC Sports
Day/Time: Various (Go here for complete list)
I love watching this series. The athletes have to have a great balance of running and strength. Speaking of, the race series founder, Joe DeSena, has a new book, Spartan Fit! coming out in August. You can pre-order here. (I so want to do one of these races and the new book is designed to help you prepare.)

The Peoples Couch
Network: Bravo
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 9 p.m.
A funny round-up of the top shows (i.e. Scandal, Walking Dead, Housewives, etc.), from the previous week done by showing other people watching them and making fun of them.

Network: CBS
Day/Time: Wednesdays at 8 p.m.
This is a last-resort show. Only watch in an emergency.
Upcoming Shows
Network: NBC
Day/Time: Wednesdays at 9 p.m. (starting April 13)
I. Cannot. Wait. This is a new fitness competition/transformation show that I’m pumped for (get it?). I’m excited for a fitness show that focuses more on strength. I really hope it doesn’t disappoint. Professional volleyball player Gabrielle Reese hosts and you can bet your squatastic booty that I’ve already set my DVR to record it.
So You Think You Can Dance
Network: FOX
Day/Time: Starts Monday, May 30
This is my No. 1 reality TV show to watch on the treadmill. However, it’s only on once per year, and it starts right before summer when most people are outside again. My suggestion is to go back and watch past seasons if you can. It’s still fun even if you’ve already seen the dances once before.
The 2016 Summer Olympics
Network: NBC and its sister networks
Day/Time: Starts August 5
What are your favorites?
1 comment
I don’t run on the dreadmill because:
a) Dreadmill
b) poor
c) No gym membership
BUT, I do love fit to fat to fit, Biggest loser, Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition, and the ads for Strong looked really inspiring. can’t wait to watch it!
(P.S. I’m sorry if this is in all caps or if the capitalization is weird. this text box is only letting me write in caps, and it’s throwing me off.)