It’s been a cool summer…until the day I needed to run 10 miles in the afternoon.
Of course. And it was the only time I could go.
I started off Saturday at 7 a.m. One and a half miles with Bennie (one of our boxers) before he left with Mr. T for the dog show. T Junior had a fever, so we stayed home. Mr. T returned around noon and I got ready for my run. But I also had to drop a couple things off at the post office. Just getting to the Cedar River Trail for my run took a while…as in I didn’t start running until 2 p.m.
I parked at a mid-way point on the trail. The plan for my 10-miler was to run in one direction (the no-shade direction) for the first half and then run the second half in the really shady and cool portion. The last four miles were to be at goal pace (8:47), so I was hoping most of those would be in the shade. Also, if I needed to refill my hydration belt, I could do that at the car…or I could quit and go home if I was too hot…okay, who am I kidding? If it’s on the schedule, I’m pretty much doing it.
Anyway, the first mile was me cursing at my hydration belt. It leaks. All. The. Time. I’m so over it. Got suggestions for a new one?
Then I was cursing myself. This is so dumb. $*#@#&. I’m going to die. &##(*#. It’s too hot. @*#&#. (It was about 82.) I should have worn a tank top. *##*!(*@. I think my earbud is sweaty. *@#(*!@.
The one thing that surprised me, though, was my pace. For as hot as I was, a 9:30 pace felt super easy. But I think it was the shoes.
Earlier, I examined the soles of my pink Saucony’s — the ones with 520 miles on them. They were worn down more than I realized. So, I had some pep in my step with my new shoes on!
The first 2.25 miles breezed by (I turned a little early because I remembered the shady direction was longer than 2.5 miles). A woman cyclist (wearing running shorts) passed me and said with a smile, “Long run?”
She looked familiar. One of you guys? Let me know! That sort of made my run, so thanks!
I planned this run perfectly, so that when my goal pace miles started, it was just before the shade. Also along the shady part of the trail — a public restroom and water fountain. I felt 100x better after I stopped, pottied and poured cool water under my hat and down the back of my shirt. Getting started again didn’t even seem too bad because the shade was cool and I was running into a little breeze.
Then I turned around. No breeze. But at least there was shade. I was doing pretty good — staying very close, if not right on, my goal pace. But I knew the last mile and a half would be in the sun. As I was about to leave the shady portion of the trail, a cyclist passed me in the opposite direction, and I swear he said, “Craaaaaayyyyzzzzeeeee.”
Once I got into the sun, I was toast. I held on for a while, but with about a quarter of a mile left, I had to stop. I was feeling a little woozy. I knew I wasn’t going to pass out, but I didn’t want to push myself till I felt that bad. I stopped my watch and walked slowly. I could see my “finish line” (the parking lot). I could tell it was about a quarter mile. So I psyched myself up and I ran it in, but I didn’t try to hold my goal pace. I’d given up on that with about a half mile to go. I was just trying not to die.
I ran every step to my car to get to 10 miles and finally stopped my watch for good on the passenger side at 1:32:45.
Pace breakdown:
1: 9:38
2: 9:27
3: 9:28
4: 9:26
5: 9:39
6: 9:38
7: 8:47
8: 8:46
9: 8:47
10: 8:59
I got up at 6:30 a.m. and felt tired. Weird since I got 7-1/2 hours of sleep. I slowly got ready for a 4-mile recovery run. But I could tell my heart wasn’t in it. My heart was more interested in going back to bed. Usually, when this happens, a couple minutes of fresh air and I feel the excitement and joy of a run. But this morning was different.
It was hard. Really hard. And I wasn’t going for speed. Running at a slower pace was really, really hard. I felt heavy and out of breath. Four miles felt like 50. I didn’t even make it four miles, though.
I kept trying to get into a rhythm and I was just hating it. I never hate my runs. So, I stopped. I quit. I want running to be fun and if it’s not, I’m not going to push it. I trudged home. I made it 2.71 miles. I came home, showered and collapsed on the bed. I knew, though, that later I would try again later.
And I did. After a playdate and during T Junior’s nap. I fired up the treadmill. I busted out two sub-10 miles that felt good! Well, all felt good except my right foot.
I’m not sure what’s going on with my custom orthotics. It feels like it’s hitting my foot in a different place than it was in my old shoes. I have the same shoes, just a new model year. Do you think that makes a difference? They’re not made for the shoes, their made for my feet. The shoes are the same size as my old ones. It feels like a nerve on the bottom of my foot is hitting a ridge and it’s making my three far right toes go numb. Not good times. Ideas?
It’s race week! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I’m not ready. I have no idea what to pack or anything. Haven’t even started. I can’t believe it’s only a few days till I’m running Hood to Coast. Nuts! My legs (4, 16, 28) will be at about 3:35 p.m. Friday, and 1:25 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. Saturday. That is, if I did the math right. So. My posts may be sporadic. I want to post what I’m going to wear and I have a giveaway to do, so I hope to get to those things this week!
Pack layers, but likely you will be HOT 🙂 baby wipes, deodorant, lots of extra underwear, iPod player for van so you can blast the tunes when you go by your team mates, snackies, band aids, body glide…SO FUN!
Good for you for stopping; I think that's a great attitude! I can't wait to hear about Hood to Coast!
Good job on the runs. I seriously do not do well in the heat. I know you had to fight for it, but you still defeated it. 🙂
Mid-day long run with pace work?? You are a rockstar! And look, you TOTALLY nailed your pace on those first three and not far off on the last one. Well done lady!Good luck getting ready for the relay!!
I can't do 2 p.m. runs in perfect weather let alone in blistering heat. I bow down to you, o wise and great one :)As far as the relay goes… I've done one and it was outstanding. For me, I knew that after my runs I would want to get out of my stinky clothes because who wants to stink up the joint? I took three separate outfits to run in – full wardrobe changes too; fresh undies and socks, clean shorts and shirt. I took my fuel belt with me but if I did it again I probably wouldn't. It was nice to have that with me though. I also took a couple of t-shirts and regular shorts to try and change into after my runs. A lot of changing though and I think I just ended up putting on my next run outfit after my other thing you'll have to do is run with a headlamp at least for leg 2. It's not bad. I actually got used to it quickly and it really does illuminate a lot in front of you. Crazy.Oh, and sleep whenever and however you can. I slept on some gravel in a parking lot, just got in a sleeping bag, curled up and knocked out an hour or two of sleep. And I also slept for like two hours in a sleeping back in an elementary school playground near one of our exchange points. That was awesome!! Trust me, you'll be so tired that any of those options will sound great at 4 a.m. Saturday morning 🙂
Mid day runs suck. Great job.Have fun at HTC!! Bring flip flops. Your feet will want to be out of your running shoes as much as possible. When I did my relay, I was sad not to have them, lots of my teammates did.
HA! I swear I read “booty glide” in Alma's comment… which isn't as bad as thinking I read “porn porn” in a tweet from SBS of Run Like a Mother when it really said pom poms :PAwesome job on a run in the sun! AWE. Some! We are going to do this thing! Wheeeee!!! So excited!!!
Great job pushing through such a hot run! Your pace was GREAT. I am not sure about your orthotics. Mine go between several pairs of shoes (trail shoes, regular running shoes etc.) Maybe you can take the shoes and orthotics into your podiatrist and have him look at them.Can't wait for this week. I haven't packed yet either! Thanks for being our go-to for all the stuff we are mailing to Seattle! I am excited to get to know you better in the van (AND as hotel roomies!) We are going to have so much fun!
“I want running to be fun and if it's not, I'm not going to push it.” I think that's a great attitude to have! If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it.Good luck with your relay!
I think you did awesome in TOUGH conditions. The heat takes so much out of you. Good job! Have so much fun at HTC!!!! I love love love relays. It will be a blast. 🙂
Soak up the fun at HTC! You will do great!I'm with you on the heat. It was 80 when I finished my first 20 on Sunday and I felt like a heavy, gooey mess.
Good luck with the relay! My friend won a spot on the Runner's World team and she is excited too! You guys are going to rock it!
I'm having similar problems with my shoes too. I bought the same model I always wear, but my feet are seriously rebelling. I was almost crying in pain on my 16 miler (which I did friday afternoon, I agree about hating to run in the afternoon sun. Ick).
belt..I dont know what you have..I have the nathan TRAIL with 2 bottles and I like it
You have some great paces there! I'm jealous 🙂 I struggle to break that 10min mile, no matter the distance of my runs it seems. Oh–and I got a “hubba hubba hubba” from an old man on my run on Saturday. Gotta love that!
Ahhhh!! This has been my life ALL SUMMER. It sucks the life out of me. Even today, September 1st, my run tonight will be done in 92 degree temps. But it just makes me appreciate fall/winter running that much more 🙂