I don’t miss you.
Not you, dear virtual buddies. I’m talking to this blog. I’m not missing it as much as I thought I would. In fact, a full week of not blogging resulted in me staring at a blank page on Tuesday. You see, the more you write on a topic, the more you think about it, the easier it is to come up with something to say.
But I haven’t been thinking about it.
So now I am out of the loop. I’m trying to read your blogs at least, but time is limited. I’m living in the now, though, and it doesn’t always allow for Internet-perusing. What it is allowing: family time and book-writing time.
I am still squeezing my workouts in early in the morning, and I began incorporating core again, too. I just had to make myself do it.
And I figured out why I’ve been yawning on the elliptical. Boooor-ing. Unlike the sketchy ski-pole machine, running brings adventure. You never know what you’re going to see: a beautiful sunrise or sunset, wildlife, friendly neighbors, or maybe even a blogger you know from a different state! But the gym is vanilla. It’ll do if that’s all there is, but you sorta wanted rocky road.
So, Monday I downloaded myself some sprinkles and a cherry. With a new book on my Kindle, my gym options are now a little more attractive: The Help by Kathryn Stockett – I’m about a quarter of the way through it and, so far, it’s an excellent book.
Not so excellent was Monday’s weigh-in. Down only a half-pound. It’s still a loss, so I’m not that upset. But at this rate, it’s going to take me five years to lose the more than 25 pounds I want to get rid of.
I’m sure there are little things I am doing that add up and make for smaller losses: alcohol, finishing food T Junior left on his plate (half of a perfectly yummy grilled cheese sandwich was going to go to waste!) and not counting it toward my points, not drinking enough water, portion control. I think I may also switch my weigh-in day.
By making it Monday, I’d hoped to control my weekend indulgences. But all it’s doing is making me stress about food. During the week, it’s easy to keep track of my points because I basically eat the same thing every day. The weekend involves parties, concerts, weddings, baseball games, etc.
I’m going back to Fridays from here on out.
SOWL Challenge: Little Rewards
When I accomplish shedding the first 5 pounds of the Summer of Weight Loss, I think I’m going to reward myself. With what, I don’t know. Not food.
Last week, we talked about motivation and I think rewards fall into the same category. Maybe if I know what my reward will be, I will work just a leeeettle bit harder to get there.
This also helps break up the task of losing weight. Five pounds seems more achievable to me than 25+. So, I’m just going to go ahead and make a list of my 5-pound rewards right now. Let me think…
…still thinking…
…okay! Got ‘em.
- 5 pounds (aka 164 pounds – only 1.6 away!): a real lunch box — I bring my lunch every workday…it’s about time I get something to carry it in besides a crinkly Safeway shopping bag
- 10 pounds (aka 159): new SweatyBand
- 15 pounds (aka 154): movie (of my choice) date with Mr. T (he doesn’t know this yet)
- 20 pounds (aka 149 – booyah!): full pedicure
- 25 pounds (aka 144): new running shoes
- 29 pounds (aka 140 – goal!): spa day!
Are you rewarding yourself? Do you plan to? If you are going to reward yourself, I challenge you to write down what the rewards are for each goal. Seeing them written makes them real!
Miss you guys!
Love your rewards. I saw some really cute lunch boxes at TJ Maxx recently.Miss your posts too and seeing cute pics of T Junior. Enjoy this time though because pretty soon they will be going to high school like my son is .
I haven't been super structured about it, but I am definitely allowing myself to buy little presents here and there. I did just buy a new lunch bag (Mario Batali has a new line and they are aweesomeeeee). Today I hit up the Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale and picked up a few shirts in a size LARGE because I can now fit into them. That felt good. I like buying myself presents that reinforce what I've been working so hard for.
Those are great rewards! Just don't forget about new outfits when you hit your goal.
Great goals! You definitely need to get yourself a lunch box. I bring mine every day too and it's so much more fun that way!
Oooh, Spa day! I'm stealing that one. 😉 Pedicure is on my list too. I also do 5 lb. mini goals. It seems I am forever working on the next 5 lb. but eventually it comes! For my last one I did a date with hubby to a sushi restaurant, yes food is a bad idea but it's sushi, I figured it was healthy eating. We also took a walk along the river. We had a fabulous time!
Mmmm….I LOVE rewards! I will have to do this too! Behind on even my weigh in for the week, hopefully tomorrow after work, I can catch up! Great job on your loss! Hey…the more slowly you lose weight I think the easier it is to keep off! So GREAT job kerrie!
Oh, I like the five pound reward system. I'm going to have to do some thinking! I might have to come up with some five pound backslider penalties as well since that seems to be the way I'm heading this week.
Congrats on the 1/2 pound, I've totally been there, aka last week. Monday is definitely a stressful weigh-in day so switching might make you feel better. I've been doing mine Fridays.
“The Help” is such a fantastic book. Being able to read it uninterrupted at the gym has got to be a reward in itself!Also, my family misses your T-Junior quotes. He's adorable. Our favorite (and I use it around here often when I whine!). “Mama a-cows hurt?”So glad you are working on your own book…
Kudos to you Kerrie! Sometimes we all need a reminder of life's priorities. Keep things moving in the right direction. And thanks for spending your valuable time keeping us up to date!
great rewards! i am sure you will get alllll of them in no time!
Your rewards are wonderful! Glad you're enjoying your time! Winks & Smiles,Wifey
I need a real lunch box. I use small banana rebulic (or where ever) bags.My reward for loosing weight was going to be a trainer for my bike. So I could ride inside. But we got a good deal on a used spin bike. So I guess I already got my reward for being a good girl.
Wow! awesome plan and great rewards! I meant to tell you that you looked great Sunday! i made a plan for my and the hubs to return to Hawaii when I got to 145! This would be a difficult feat and I was close right after OCK, at 153…but now I am up from there. Plus I think he said, “Uh, with what money?” Oh well, a girl can dream. Right?Keep it up! I think the Friday weigh in is a great idea!!
I do WW although this summer I have not been so good. I do reward myself with money. I pay myself every day I follow the plan just a dollar. Then if I go 10 days in a row I get a bonus dollar. 50 days a bonus 10. But that hasn't happened in a long time. The money is to be used for whatever I want guiltfree. I usually hoard it until I have a lot. I just bought a flashbag I have been wanting for more than a year.
GO SPA DAY GO!!!! I love your rewards and I'm now motivated to set mine!! Cute outfit by the way!! You rocked it!
Aw, rewards, why didn't I think of that? Well, I kinda rewarded my self yesterday with some running clothes, but I am going to think of some cool prizes for the remainder of SOWL. Thanks!