I mentioned it before: NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Yeah, it starts Sunday.
I should be working on an outline, maybe some character development. A plot would be good. But I haven’t even started. Like most of the things I WANT to do (but never get around to, like scrapbooking, cleaning or running — until I started this blog anyway), I’ve been THINKING about it A LOT. I know I can do it, if only I could DECIDE on a freakin’ story to write.
I’m going to have to put in at least an hour a day for writing in order to complete the NaNoWriMo challenge. AT LEAST. This means something’s gotta give. It’s not going to be running, but I can’t promise my posts won’t suffer during the month of November. And, gah, the HALF is like the DAY before NaNoWriMo ends! Plus November has Thanksgiving, too. Plus holiday shopping. Yikes. I feel like November is almost over and it hasn’t even started.
Anyway, no running for me today. T Junior and I absolutely had to go to the grocery store. We were DESPERATE for staples, like bread, eggs, lettuce and 2-point Weight Watchers mint ice cream cones.
Why don't you write a story that has a running theme?I hear you on how hard it is to find time to run.
You can do it, Marathon Momma!! :)Running and writing at the same time? Brainstorming during running and recording ideas via voice memo?
I am soooo tempted to try the writing contest.. But pretty sure I would have to give up SLEEP.. UGH!!