I set out my running clothes last night. I had really good intentions. I was going to get up this morning and run before the sun threw off its covers.
I even got up 15 minutes before my 5:45 alarm. In the moonlit bathroom, I heard hard raindrops against the window. That meant wind. And I decided right then that there would be no morning run.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll run in the wind. I’ll run in the rain, even. But I won’t run in the wind and the rain…together. There has to be a line somewhere.
I didn’t go back to bed. Instead, I stumbled down the stairs. Plan B: work on my book. I made two pieces of toast, a cup of coffee in the Keurig and got myself situated on the couch. I turned on my laptop. It had updates to install, which annoyed me. When you get up that early in the morning and decide to write, you want to start right away, you don’t want to wait 10 minutes for your computer to log off, shut down and restart TWICE.
But I got in a solid hour of writing before I heard soft waking noises coming from the baby monitor. My fingers flew across the keyboard, flinging crappy first-draft fiction into a Word document, trying to get those last few sentences down before I had to switch into Mom Mode.
Me and T Junior had a full day scheduled today, and afterward he took a really long nap. No, I mean really long. Like 2-1/2 hours long. I felt defeated as I hung out in my running clothes waiting for him to wake up. But by the time he finally stirred enough for me to go in, switch on the light and pull him from his crib, it was dark outside and the news was reporting lightning, thunder, hail and funnel clouds.
So it has been four days since I’ve been running. FOUR days. AND I ate Taco Bell for dinner.
I’ll go tomorrow, but now, I feel behind. Now, I feel a little nervous. The Seattle Half is only three weeks away. I am, however, happy that Heather and I will be doing our long run (9 miles) together on Sunday! Yay for running buddies!
PS: I almost forgot! I did do strength training today, so at least I did something, right?
1 comment
I agree with you running in the wind and the rain is the worst. Unfortunately, I rarely ever draw the line and suffer for it. Don't worry about missing a few days, you'll be fine. Good luck in your upcoming half!