I had a lunch date today with Dumb and Dumber, and Mr. Bouncy. We got caught up on a few How I Met Your Mother episodes. Got to love TiVo.
I did three sets of 18 bicep curls, rowing lifts and overhead pulls. Then, I did 75 crunches (broken up, as usual, in three sets of 25). I wanted to do more, but I could feel it a little in my back and decided not to push it. I may have been doing something wrong because, thinking about it now, I shouldn’t feel crunches in my back!
I also did some leg work: three sets of 15 leg lifts while sitting on the couch — remote in one hand for fast-forwarding commercials — and three sets of 20 lunges.
Is it me, or does anyone else love lunges? I mean, not while I am doing them. But, afterward. The muscles in my legs are tight throughout the rest of the day, and it makes me feel healthy and strong.
I’m glad I got the workout in earlier — during T Junior’s first nap. My poor little buddy is sick, so he needed some cuddle time when he woke up, and then we had a major shopping trip to cross some stuff off of a couple of my lists.
I’m looking forward to the Jingle Bell 5K on Sunday, and crossing my fingers I don’t catch what T Junior has!
Lunges are not my favorite but I do love that sore feeling after working out for the very reason you stated. I call it a “good sore” because it reminds me that I'm doing something good for my body. Hope T Junior is feeling better and that you stay healthy.
I do feel awesome after lunges. Hope you stay well. 🙂
Love the new header, Kerrie!Lunges do feel awesome…good job on your strength training today. 🙂 Ready for Sunday??? Woo hoo!(Oh, and sending healthy vibes your way)
I used to do lunges a lot. I didn't really like them when I was doing them but yeah it felt good afterward too. I read somewhere that that's a really good pre-run exercise, that instead of stretching to do some lunges. Haven't tried it, but sounds like it wouldn't be a bad thing to do.And the header is nice!
I love them too. Maybe because squats and lunges seem to be my strong point in my strength training routine. I asked for a BOSU for xmas (www.bosu.com)…I know, I can't believe I'm asking for a torture device instead of needless frippery. I guess I'm growing up.
Hi Kerrie. I've been reading your blog for a bit since LB mentions you over at the Muddy Runner all the time. I guess I'm in the minority here because I absolutely hate lunges. Where your muscles feel tight for the rest of the day, mine are so sore I can barely walk for a few days. When I'm strength training I do them though since I know they really work a number of different muscle groups.
We did a ton of lunges in our FIT class last night and my legs are yelling at me this morning! But, I'm with you – I do love that feeling!
I LOVE LUNGES! I did a ton yesterday too and am definitely feeling it now! Gives me a perfect excuse to go on a run to “loosen up” Good luck on Sunday!
Okay, regretting the lunges this morning…