I thought I was supposed to walk for 30 minutes today, but really I was supposed run 3 miles.
I guess I know what’s on the schedule for tomorrow.
Well, I had a nice walk this evening anyway. I was glad it was an easy day (even though I was wrong), because I woke up before 6 for the second morning in a row and I am tired. I was gone most of the day today, too, so it was especially nice to just stroll with Mr. T and T Junior around the neighborhood. We pointed out plants we liked and chatted about which houses are for sale or rent.
My son is especially fond of hardscaping. His little index finger jabbed the air in the direction of every rock on the route. “Gock. Gock. Gock.”
So, now I must decide about Sunday’s run: Should I get up early again tomorrow? Or, should I go in the evening after T Junior goes to bed?