Rest day! I think I’m going to like running in the evenings, although it was a little hard for me to “settle down” last night, shut my trap and GO TO SLEEP. I’m sure Mr. T noticed.
T Junior is napping right now and we’re gonna hit the library when he wakes up. He’s been asking to go to “Stowy Time” all day. This morning we went to an outlet mall where they have a carousel. So we did that and then I found another pair of running capris at Marshalls. I only have one pair and I wear them all the time, which means I wash them all the time, and I’m afraid they’re going to just, plain wear out.
Next to the mall’s parking lot was a construction site filled with excavators and bulldozers just working their little mechanical hearts out. So I pulled my trusty blue Odyssey up alongside the site and rolled one window down so T Junior could get the full effect of the “trackors.” We sat there for a while and watched them push gravel and scoop dirt. It was great!
Then I got lazy and decided to get us McDonald’s for lunch, but I changed my mind. Haha! Win! We came home instead. Mac & Cheese with a chicken hot dog for T Junior (basically, his favorite) and my favorite for me. My favorite lately has been a soup and sandwich: two pieces of high fiber bread, light mayo spread thin, two tomato slices, 1-2 pieces of deli meat (today it was pastrami), yellow mustard, two thin slices of pickle, two thin slices of sharp cheddar and some thinly sliced red onion. YUM! With a cup of tomato soup. Way better than my usual #8 (Southern Chicken Sandwich) at MickeyD’s.
The other day I received the Gorgeous Blogger Award from new bloggy friend Robyn. She made me smile. So, thanks again Robyn! And, I know I’ve said it before, but the bloggy/runner community is just so awesome. Love you guys! Okay, okay, enough mush. Now, my 6 random facts (that I admit I didn’t have much time to think about so these will be really random):
-I once interviewed country singer Clint Black for a freelancing gig I was doing. I did the interview on my cell phone during my lunch hour at my desk on the 7th floor in the building of my old corporate “day” job. He kept appologizing to ME for the connection and having to do the interview on his cell phone. (Oh, and that dude can TALK. I was barely able to get the questions in.)
-I finally picked a writing genre and I’m going to stick with it. I swear! I’ve always adored children’s picture books (I couldn’t wait to have a kid of my own to read to), and that was the genre I wanted to do when this whole “have to write a book” thing started. So, I’m going to focus on children’s picture books. And, guess what? Big surprise, I’m blogging about it here if you’re interested. No more genre-ADD.
-I read lots of books at one time. For example, right now, I’m reading The Book Thief (Markus Zusak), Bitter is the New Black (Jen Lancaster), Sole Sisters (Jennifer Lin and Susan Warner), On Writing Well (William Zinsser) and How to be Popular (Meg Cabot). I just pick them up and put them down. It all depends on what mood I’m in.
-My all-time favorite movie is: You’ve Got Mail. People say it’s cheesy and contradictory (Meg Ryan’s shop is closing because of the “big, bad Fox Books” chain, yet she drinks Starbuck’s coffee), but I don’t care. I just adore this movie. It’s like an old, soft sweatshirt.
-Since I started running again, my skin has been breaking out more. It’s like I’m back in junior high. Ick. I got Proactiv, which has worked for me in the past, but it seems to be making my skin so dry this time!
-I have a bad habit of picking my fingernails, so they are really short. I don’t realize I’m doing it until after the damage is done.
Okay, so those last couple were weird, but I guess I’d appreciate any advice on those two matters.
There are so many GORGEOUS bloggers out there, but I will pass this along to Zoë, who I’m pretty sure was one of my first Virtual Running Buddies, if not THE first. She’s so inspiring to me, always encouraging and she’s a great real-life running buddy, too. Thanks, Zoë!
I had to pipe in to say that my 4 year old says to me, quite often, “Mommy, you look gorgeous.” It is so sweet because he'll say it right after I get out of bed in the morning or if I just came back from a run when I know it is far from the truth.
+++! for running capris. I get mine at Target. Bought like 3 pairs at least couple of years ago and they still look good, My second favorite for warmer days – running skirts.
I love T Junior pics. I just emailed you about that :)Enjoy this time with him because it goes sooooo fast. My baby is 13 and going to high school next fall :(But I digress. Yay for new running capris. Love Marshalls!
Sounds like an awesome day to me and great job with the self control and going home instead of MickyD's! I am impressed!
You made me seriously hungry with this post. Way to go on the self control … I totally caved and the girls and I ate McD's for dinner last night … so bad, but so good!
I was just at super mall and MAx went on the carousel too. Small World. We love Mac-n-Cheese..Kraft! Max asks for it daily…I love it too.I totally pick my nails…shhh…don't tell anyone and totally ruined them the other night. It always happens in one sitting and then…poof they are gone! Love the movie “You've Got Mail” It my BFF's fave too. GREAT MOVIE! Love the line about how people love to make decisions and how they do it with there coffee…so funny!
I love running in capris, glad you found another pair. I bite my cuticles, have for years and everytime I stop for like a week or two I start it again. It's my worst habit. I use proactive too, we're like soulmates haha
Okay, so I'm waiting for people to respond about the breaking out thing. I do that too and I have NO IDEA why! I've only been running for seven weeks, but I love every part of it… except that.
How do you like the book thief? I have been wanting to read it for awhile now!