And the kids in their jogging strollers. Ugh.
My new schedule calls for a 3-miler and hill repeats on Mondays, but I won’t be able to run tomorrow after work because of a SCBWI meeting. So I had to get 5 in today.
Kris and I had talked over the weekend about running with the kiddos on Monday and we arranged to meet in the morning at Weyerhaeuser. The paper company’s headquarters is surrounded by a beautiful tangle of trails.
Both of us had chaotic mornings and we ended up meeting a little later than we had planned. But that’s the great thing about having a running buddy that’s also a mom of a young kid. As I loaded T Junior into his stroller, I shivered. I knew it was going to be colder today than it’s been in a while, which is why I brought the weather shield with me, but I was surprised that I could see my breath!
Kris and I set off once I got AJ II to find a satellite. I felt stiff, cold, tired. And I had to pee. It was not a good combo. The trails were beautiful, but some of them had deep gravel and jagged rocks. Not ideal with a jogging stroller. But Kris knew the area and she steered us to some paved roads (that rarely see cars) and some smoother dirt trails. We were a mile into the run when we got a surprise.
It started snowing.
That’s right. It was sunny and 60 degrees on Saturday (I have tan lines from my arm band music holder thing), mid-50s with sun breaks on Sunday. Snow on Monday. No wonder I couldn’t warm up!
I was so cold. Not my upper body, but my legs. They felt like stones taken from the bottom of a river in Alaska. And it didn’t help that I kept stopping to take pictures of the snow. One time, I forgot to restart my watch. We probably went a half mile before I noticed. So we probably ran closer to 5.5 miles instead of the planned 5.
This was a really tough run. I struggled big time. I think partly because my body was not completely rested from Saturday’s 10-miler. Plus all the other factors I mentioned above. Why are there never any Honey Buckets when you need one?!
I tried GU Chomps before the run. I didn’t notice any extra energy and they made my teeth hurt. I will try them again, though.
3/08/10 – 5.07 Miles – 1:00:05
Average pace: 11:51
Mile 1: 11:44
Mile 2: 11:25
Mile 3: 12:00
Mile 4: 12:03
Mile 5: 12:12
Well you did it and at least you had a friend with you. Brr, sounds cold. Karsen looks so cute in the BOB 🙂
Snow a day after a warm 60-degree day? Crazy.Good on you for getting out there and doing it.
Oh I am so tired of being cold! Soon! Soon it will be spring and I can worry about the thunderstorms instead of if I can fit another layer under the 2 I already have on!! Glad you had fun with a friend! Your kiddos are so cute in the strollers 🙂
There is nothing like a great tan while it is snowing! Good for you guys for continuing on the run!
It sounds like a tough one! That's a huge swing in weather. It's nice that you were able to do this one with a friend.
Cute stroller pics! Can't believe the snow! Wow!
Definitely unusual to be snowing in Seattle and NOT in Toronto. 🙂 Nice job on the run! Way to push (literally!) through.
Snow? Wait a sec…. *My* calendar says March. You must be in the southern hemisphere….No doubt – pushing the stroller made things a little tougher too. Don't be so hard on yourself.
We're to get snow here tomorrow, too! I'm sooo sick of it! Man, I remember the days of the jogging stroller, I don't think mine had a rain guard though…glad your does and was able to crank out the great run!! Stay warm!!!
Yeah, the weather here has been WEIRD. Great job on the run!
Ever try FRS chews (the stuff endorsed by Lance Armstrong) before your runs? I had them a couple times last year and I had the best workouts! I should get some more:)
Good run. Weyerhauser has quite a few mills in this area. My cousin works for them.
I switched from the chomps to regular Gu b/c they froze and hurt my jaw. I think winter had finally given up here. We're having one last winter storm but I don't think it'll work
That's so fun. It must be great to have different trails and scenic routes to run on. I miss that.
You are a tough woman getting through this run, with a stroller no less!! …but snow, not possible 🙂
Thanks everyone. Now it's sunny again. But not as warm as last week. C'mon spring!
It's been a really crazy winter! Kudos for pulling out a great run despite the weather!Winks & Smiles,Wifey