Old Navy has women’s running gear! In. My. Size.
I went there today on my lunch hour to get some new jeans for T Junior. Of course, I had to stroll through my stuff, and that’s when I saw the sports bras and the wick-away-the-sweat tank tops and long-sleeve shirts.
I was totally brave and bought a pair of aqua running shorty shorts. And, then I even wore them this evening.
So, basically I made up for yesterday with today’s run. I swapped days. I still have a cold, but was feeling better this evening. We didn’t get out of the house till after 6, though, so I took T Junior for a 20-minute jog. Not my scheduled (for yesterday) 1.5-miles, but close. Plus, I figured I should probably take it easy since I’m not feeling 100 percent.
My leg muscles were very tight during the jog, but that wasn’t bothering me too much. What was really annoying was my thighs. I don’t remember them rubbing together like that when I ran cross country in high school.
I guess I can’t blame Old Navy. It’s not the shorty shorts’ fault I’m chubby.
Back to the capris for now, I guess. I’ll pull the shorts out again when I forget about today.
Yup. You're incredibly chubby … Sheesh, girl. Who tells you these bullshit messages???
Woo to shorty shorts! I CAN'T WAIT to be able to wear them! I can imagine they will make running so great. I wear short bike pants and they're terrific – legs are too fat for shorty shorts – they ride up! You need to post a pic!ps. legs rubbing together – you're a lucky person if they don't. I thought when I moved to Darwin that I was the only one with thighs slappin' in to each other. One of my thin/skinny besties told me it happens to everyone!
keep up the good work! one of these days, maybe i'll get a chance to run with you 🙂
Thanks for the support you guys!
I hope your cold goes away super quick, Kerrie! Also, rock those short shorts girl!! (my thighs rub together, too)