This morning, I went to my first-ever deep-water aerobics class. I was nervous and excited because I did not know what to expect.
To be honest, when I thought of water aerobics, I pictured elderly women in the shallow end. I knew this was a stereotype, but I couldn’t help it. I also knew adding the word “deep-water” in the description certainly made it feel more challenging.
And, I was right.
For the first 15 minutes or so, I was thinking, This isn’t going to do anything for me. Then we started the real workout, and I was like yes! The beginning was a warm-up. Duh, Kerrie.
The instructor was a runner and she said I should leave of the ankle wraps (buoys that make it harder to keep your feet down), because it might put too much strain on my shin. I wore the buoy-belt instead.
I felt very uncoordinated in the pool. At one point, I said, “I feel like a fish out of water. Isn’t that ironic?” Jogging, doing aerobic moves, lifting these foam weights under the water — so crazy. Who thought this stuff up?
It was great, though. And I got thirsty and hungry toward the end, which was a good sign that I got a good workout.
It’s been a little over an hour since my class, and my arms and core are already sore. Can’t wait to go back!
Great job! I'm glad to hear you got a good workout! I'm always curious to see how other people feel about water x. I teach on Thursdays and I feel so silly for saying it but it wipes me out and I usually make that my cross train day (at least further into my training plan)because it is hard to run 7 miles after doing an hour in the water! Now I don't feel so wimpy! =)
Oh yeah, love the new header too! That is new right? Super cute!
Love the new header and I think your photographer for 2 of those photo's is AMAZING. I need to do a new header. Glad you had a great workout this morning. Being in the pool is the best and I know what you mean when you are doing something other than laps, it feels strange. Way to get out there. I think it would be a great idea for you to be the rounder upper of bloggies next week. If you are up for it lets talk about how to make that happen.
Kerrie, you are so amazing. No matter what gets thrown at you always find a workout you can do. More importantly, you get up/get out there and actually do it! You are inspiring.
Awww. Thanks. 🙂
I am not much of a pool person but I'd be willing to try that kind of workout out.
You make me want to try this out 😀