Check out the number up there. 365.
One year ago, feeling fat, tired, overwhelmed and depressed, I decided to dig out my tennies, dust off the BOB, and go for a run. Well, it was more of a shuffle, then walk, then shuffle, then walk. It wasn’t really running, but it was a start of something new.
It was the start of a transformation. I wanted to be healthy. Check. I wanted to be athletic like I used to be. Check. And, of course, I wanted to lose some weight. Semi-check…still working on it.
I also wanted an shiny new adventure to write about, and I thought it could be fun to challenge myself. And it has been. Mom vs. Marathon has been such a trip. From sending my thoughts out there to nobody, to getting my first comment, to making virtual and local friends, completing three half marathons, and even figuring out who I really am.
But this blog is also a problem.
Mom vs. Marathon wears a onesie and calls me “Mama.” I really love writing about running, but the blog consumes me. I have so much to say, I’m just always thinking of things to write here, and then I am writing them. And then I am waiting for comments.
This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I crave the constant feedback I get from bloggy land. And by feedback, I mean approval. I just figured this out a few nights ago and it makes sense. It explains why I check my e-mail obssessively after I publish a post; why all I can think about is what I want to write on my blog; why I feel I have to broadcast any and all thoughts I have regarding running.
Mom vs. Marathon has completely taken over my writing brain, too. I need/want to be working on a book, but all I can think about are blog posts. While that’s been fine for a while, I want to get my author butt in gear.
Plus, Mr. T would like to see me sometimes. He wants to know what I look like without a laptop blocking half my face like the fence did to Wilson on Home Improvement (remember that show?).
To be honest, I was ready to quit this blog (and my other ones). I just need to set my brain free. I had a post written and everything. I really liked it, too. But you’re not going to see it.
Instead I’ve made a promise to blog once a week. I will post on Wednesdays in keeping with what I’ve been doing for the Summer of Weight Loss. I will no longer have the day in my post titles, as that has been difficult to keep to sometimes. So, you won’t be hearing about every single boring elliptical workout or, when I can pound the pavement again, run.
I’m not sure what I’ll be posting: probably trends I’ve noticed, things in the news about running, Summer of Weight Loss challenges, maybe some reviews, and hopefully a race report or two. I do still plan to run a marathon. It’ll be 2011, though, for sure. I’m still out to get my victory lap and I think I know where to get it:
I find maintaining balance always a challenge. “Go find your balance” sounds very Wilsonesque.
Happy Birthday Blog 🙂 I don't know of any books titled Mom Vs. Marathon…you have a good story going here… and I think it will end when you reach your goal. I think what you want is right in front of you. :)Good for you for setting priorities, I too crave the feedback and acceptance. I totally get having to set boundries 🙂
This sounds like a good, healthy choice for you (and for your family). I used to try to blog every time I ran, but then I found that … well, running is boring to talk about, and, for most people, to read about. I got so burned out on the thought that I needed to go running JUST so I'd have something to say. Now I just try to write when I have a race or some profound thoughts… and I'm even trying to break out into writing about some other activities I do. 🙂 I'm definitely not blogging as much, but it's much better for me this way.(And, that's not to mention, I don't know how you can do all you do PLUS raise a family! I was having a hard enough time just taking care of me + blog!)xoxo,A
congrats on 1 year! I think that sounds like a fabulous plan!! we do really care about you! just keep us posted on your accomplishments, look for advice when you need it and let us know about your struggles as well! we aren't looking for anything witty and creative! we just like to run and be healthy and we want to see others succeed at that as well! and we like you so we follow you! don't feel stressed! we like what you write and we look forward to reading about it! 🙂 🙂 enjoy your time away and i'll see you on Wednesdays!
I'm going to have Mom vs Marathon withdrawals :(I hope you still have time to peruse some blogs. I like the approval too, and it seems like I have fewer readers now than before.I know I've told you before but Seattle RnR is on my list for a summer marathon in '11 so maybe we'll get to run the same race together.
I will miss the blow-by-blow but I think it's not a bad idea. Mr. F gets a little peeved with my computer addiction…Until next week!
Glad to hear that you're not totally going away. Your blog was one of my first couple blogs I started reading when I started getting serious about running. I have to throw in that I will be running Seattle Rock N Roll Marathon 2011. I signed up the day before I ran the half this year. Excited to hear that not only you but LB might be running too!
Good for you! I'll definitely miss the daily reads, but fortunately there ARE a few others I can get by with ;o). I know how you feel about thinking about it and wanting to write about it all (but my baby is almost 8 and has other things she wants to do aside from hang with me all the time ha ha). See you Wednesday!
Glad to hear you will still be posting, even if not daily! Sounds like a good plan to me!
Kinda bummed that I won't have your daily posts to look forward to, but still happy you'll be writing once a week. And we'll definitely keep in touch about SOWL 🙂
Totally understand the blog taking over your life. It's a huge commitment and consumes so much time and focus, even when you are not actually blogging in any given moment. Glad you're going to stick around, though – I love your posts!!Seattle RnR next year baby – WOOHOO!!!!!
Happy Blog Birthday! You've been an inspiration to me, and to so many others. I'll miss your posts, but once a week will have to do. I'm glad you didn't scrap the whole thing.Now go out there and live life, and try not to write posts in your head while doing it!
Hi Kerrie,Long time no comment 🙂 Congrats on day 365! I was thinking that since you still would like to write a book wny not combine your love of writing with your love of running into a book??? Kinda like the RLAM ladies? I dunno, just a thought.
one year…congrats.i understand where youre coming from about posts & comments and constantly checking emails…it does become and all consuming project, but im glad youve found a way to balance it.
Balance is tough. Good for you for trying.
I just found your blog and I am enjoying your SWOL challenge! I just started blogging about my running weight loss experience this month as a motivator for me and to hopefully inspire others. I basically transferred from posting progress on facebook to blogging about it. Mostly it is a motivator for me. I think it is nice to receive comments and know that I can be an inspiration to others and that motivates me too! Thank you for the week or so since I've found your blog. I'll continue to look forward to your weekly posts.
I certainly don't have the time or energy to post everyday and I salute you for doing it as long as you have! Kerrie, you've worked hard to get where you are. Enjoy it. We'll still be here!! 🙂
I'm just getting back onto my computer after almost a month of down-time, mostly because I had to reset my “balance” between writing, family, playing, running, and work. I found that I was neglecting the important people in my life because of the obsession with writing, and had to sort that out away from the computer. So, I totally understand where you're coming from, and I salute you in your decision to pull back (but not quit) the blog. It's something you enjoy, and it's just time to change it up a bit. You're a smart lady, and that's why I like stopping by.Cheers from Colorado,Lara