We started off good this evening.
It was hot, but we smeared on sunscreen and T Junior wore his wide-brim hat to protect his head, face, ears and neck. He was excited to ride in his red plastic car.
We only walked today because it was a work day for me, and I was sore after sitting all day. I think the two days I work will be my rest days, where I just walk and give my muscles a chance to heal.
When we left the house, I was stiff and could not straighten my left leg without sharp pain stabbing me in the back — stupid, stupid herniated disc. So, my right stride was longer than my left for a while, but it eased a bit when I remembered to hold my stomach muscles in like my chiropractor told me to.
Fifteen minutes into our trip, I totally got buzzed by something. I thought it was a bee, so I tried my best not to swat at it and just walked faster. But then it landed on me. And, it wasn’t what I thought it was. Some kind of weird golden buzzing moth.
“What the hell?” I hissed and attempted to shoo it off my upper arm. I was too sticky with suntan lotion and missed. Grossed out, I quickly swished it away on the second try.
But then buzzed my tower, and I was flailing my arms and looking like a big idiot out on the sidewalk in front of some houses where people I might actually meet someday live. There was a pause in the action so I pushed T Junior in his car a little faster.
We rounded the corner into the cul-de-sac and again I was accosted by this insect that’s no bigger than my thumbnail.
“What the eff?” I ripped my sunglasses off and snorted because it got all up in my face. Then, I swung at the offensive little creature with my black fabric headband (that I wear to hold my bangs out of my eyes because I think I might be growing them out, but I haven’t decided yet). “What the eff is going on, dude?!” (I really do say eff, by the way. Please don’t think I intentionally say the real f-word in front of my child.)
“Hat?” T Junior took his off and showed me.
“Yep. Let’s go before that thing comes back.” We walked faster.
On the way home, I suddenly felt dizzy, and remembered I forgot to have a little snack before our walk. Whoops. But I made it all 30 minutes without passing out. Afterward, I fed T Junior and put him to bed. I got in 50 crunches on the exercise ball and rinsed off before Mr. T came upstairs to tell me to “Hurry up.”
Dinner’s ready.
So what WAS it, lol? Next time you have to carry a Mason jar along and capture one:)And, OK. I wouldn't be me if I didn't ask … Since your right stride was longer, did you do a bit of walking in circles?Keep it up, inspiration girl.
Hahahaha. Yeah, sometimes they call me loopy like Gerry Fleck in Best in Show! Seriously, I don't know what that thing was and I don't know if it had friends or if it was the same bug, but for some reason it didn't like me. And, it was only on that street. What's with that?