I took a total rest day today. That’s if you can call being a work-at-home mom “resting”:
- Up at 6:30 to log in to work e-mail, drink my coffee and eat some toast. Up the stairs at 7:20 to transfer T Junior from crib to high chair. Pour milk into sippy cup. Slice strawberries. Break up cranberry muffin into little toddler-sized pieces. Scramble egg. Respond to e-mail.
- Pick up dishes and wipe little face and hands while sticky toddler squirms. Set boy free in living room. Check e-mail.
- Move laptop to couch to keep an eye on newly walking toddler. Take plastic shovel (aka dog-hitting device) away from T Junior. Ignore tantrum. Write copy. Respond to e-mail.
- Trip over three dogs to answer cell phone. Take notes. Write copy. Check crying toddler for cranial damage. Give hugs. Put child down for nap. Kiss husband good-bye. Write copy. Check e-mail.
And, that was only up to 8:45 a.m.
Luckily, he had a good nap and I got more work done. After that, though, he was up and on the move again. During the lunch hour, I took him to the community pool in order to wear him out enrich his day, but his second nap was only an hour, so I didn’t get as much writing done as I had hoped.
In the evening, it was 90-plus outside, so we went to the grocery store. I guess that’s where I did my walk. Back home, T Junior was wired, so I put on Winnie-the-Pooh because I had to make dinner.
It was a long day. I’m done writing now.