So, I was digging in the pocket on the back of the BOB for the garage door opener and I realized I need some stuff for running.
A jogging stroller organizer would be helpful. Can you see the opener in this chaos?
I didn’t think so. It was there, though, underneath the toddler sunglasses, sippy cup, keys, my phone, T Junior’s shoes (for the park afterward) and the package of Ritz, and it was just above my gloves, a bottle of sunscreen and some spilled Saltines.
Yesterday, I noticed the BOB seemed a little harder to push on the trail. So, today, before my 2-mile run, I decided to put some air in the tires. I unscrewed the cap on the tire and fastened the little air nozzle thing from the pump to the wheel. Almost all the air came out of the tire. Ugh. I started pumping.
Ssssssshhhhhhhh! went the pump.
What the hell? went me.
I tried again. Same results. The air was not going from the pump to the tire for some reason. I adjusted the nozzle and, thankfully, was able to inflate the wheel.
Then, I did the other side. Luckily, the tire didn’t deflate much on that side becaue I could barely get any air in it from the pump. Turns out I need a new pump. Mine’s busted. The hose is cracked.
I wore my running shorts today and I remembered that I really need some non-chafing compression shorts (which I just think is a fancy name for biker shorts, but whatever).
So, to recap: I need somewhere to put all my crap, a new tire pump and spandex.
Oh, and shoes.
I splurged and bought some new gear too, including the Body Glide anti-chafing stick (it's like a lip balm in a deoderant stick shape) and a “fuel belt.” Hubby is not happy…but I am!
One of my FB readers suggested Body Glide. Let me know if it works!