There was a steady rain this morning. Perhaps it was what a meteorologist might call a shower. And it lasted until almost 10.
So, I prepared myself to run in the rain while T Junior napped. I pulled on my adidas capris, covered my head with a light pink Kenworth hat and slid into my fuchsia raincoat that has zippered pockets: one for my phone and one for my Zune.
I checked my schedule before I left the house, and was glad I did. I was supposed to be cross training today, not running, because tomorrow is four miles.
Yay! A walk!
When I stepped off of my covered front patio, I realized most of the rain had stopped. There were a few stray drops, but it wasn’t like earlier or even yesterday.
It felt like fall. I mean, really. I know I have been saying this for a week or more, but this morning more than ever. It smelled great. Like damp dirt and barbecue and green grass. And, the trees are beginning to turn transluscent red. (It’s very cool and crisp outside tonight, too.) Then, the first Cougar game of the season was on this afternoon, which could be why I’m officially feeling all autumny.
I don’t know why I took a picture of this guy. I guess because
he was big. Plus, he was the only other soul I saw on my walk.
Do slugs have souls? I don’t know.
My walk was fine. I was very grouchy from the moment I rolled out of bed this morning. I’d hoped the light exercise would help, but it didn’t. In fact, it didn’t go away until I was sitting on the couch watching the Cougs with a sweet pear vodka and lemonade concoction Mr. T made for me. I felt better after that.
I was even more relaxed after a coffe with Irish cream. I know, that seems like a contradiction to me, too. But then I checked Facebook and saw my friend Heather’s status update about trying to hydrate for tomorrow’s run.
Oh yeah. We’re running four miles tomorrow.
So, that was the end of my adult beverages and the beginning of many glasses of water and trips to the potty.
I’m going to bed on time tonight. I swear.
Oh YAY! Fellow PNW runner AND doing the Seattle HAlf!!! I am registered for this half as well! I did it last year and this year is a serious REmatch! Good luck with your training! I can't wait to follow your journey!I found you through Mel at Tall Mom on the Run! I think she is doing Seattle half too!
Say it ain't so, Kerrie! Fall??? Bummer. Pear vodka and lemonade sounds divine! I might have to try that, er, um, when I'm done training for the half. Yeah… :)Have fun on the 4 miler!
PNW's unite…LOVE LOVE it.. I am not 100% registered for the Seattle Half, but it is so hard to pass up a local LONG run. It does feel like FALL, the rain, leaves and cloud cover. I love it!!GOOD LUCK with your goals. I look forward to following you… Hmmm Issaquah Salmon days, sounds like fun…may have to look into that.More soon!!
Yay! More PNWers!