We’re crazy dog show people. Not sure if I ever mentioned that.
We were at a show in the spring when a friend told us the story of how her beloved boxer girl slipped out of her collar and took off across the fairgrounds. A handler nearby spotted the dog and recognized her, so he hopped on his bike and followed, yelling her name. Another dog owner saw what was going on and joined the chase. The poor dog was frightened and just continued running and running all over the mostly enclosed fairgrounds. But when the handler saw she was headed for an opening in the chain link fence, he yelled her name, jumped off of his bicycle and fell to the ground.
The dog stopped running and came to him.
That “dog must investigate” phenomenon is why I try not to do my strength exercises in the same room as our three boxers: Annie, AJ and Lucy. As soon as I get on the floor to do push ups or crunches, they’re all over me. In my face, licking my arm. AJ tries to sit with his back right up against my torso, pinning my shirt under his behind. Makes it a little hard to actually complete the “up” part of a sit up.
I, somehow, got in 40 crunches and 20 push ups on the living room floor tonight. That’s Lucy hovering over my face in the picture.
Coincidentally, I used two 13.2-ounce cans of dog food as weights for all my arm lifts. I am debating the lunges. They hurt my back a little last time and I want to feel good for the long run tomorrow with Heather. We won’t have the jogging strollers, so we’ll really be able to stretch our legs!