Drinking four glasses of water this morning before my run may not have been the best idea. Because, holy cow, I really could’ve used a Port-a-Potty or some Depends, like some of my high school cross country friends used to talk about.
I needed the extra fluids, though, because it was hot. Of course, all the clouds burned off before we got out there (we went with Option B, by the way). And, I braved the trail again…this time in the middle of the day.
There were totally a bunch of people out there. Man, I’m such a wimp.
The first half of my run seemed easy. No pain, lots of energy and I was jogging into a slight wind. The breeze was refreshing.
The way back was a different story. First, any air movement was gone. Second, I had that moment again where my body wanted to quit. It happened in the same place, in a stretch of deep crushed rock I suspect the county put there to reinforce the trail and prevent erosion along the side that drops 30 or so feet into the lake. It’s like running in the sand. Ever done that? Pushing 21-pound T Junior in the BOB through there is tough.
In all, today’s workout (the run plus the walk-stretch warm-up) was about 50 minutes (not including 60 crunches on the exercise ball). Not bad. I wonder how far my route is. I guess I’m going to need to figure that out.