I always try to fit a lot into my lunch hours. And, now that I’m working three days a week, I’m cramming in even more. Well, on Thursdays, I always make a volunteer phone call to an elderly woman. Yesterday, I shopped for jeans. Today, I ran 2-and-a-quarter miles in about 24 mintues. Not bad.
And, it only took me about 10 minutes to change out of my dark jeans and business-casual black shirt, and into my Adidas capris, tank top and my new pink track jacket. I left my silver and faux abalone pendant on.
Nervously, I pushed the heavy bathroom door and stepped into the office. Everybody already left for lunch, so I had nothing to worry about. I strode to my desk, dropped off my gym bag, fished my sunglasses out of my purse and hung my headphones in my ears.
Through the glass doors on the front of the building, the sun was shining, and I felt fall when I got outside. Transparent yellow leaves held on for their lives to whispy branches, the ones that had given up littered the concrete sidewalk.
Guess what? Running is even more invigorating after sitting at a desk for four hours! I was free! The breeze created by passing cars whipped an escaped strand of my hair and the smell of wet asphalt filled my nose.
And, then, it was over much too soon.
Like Superman, I returned to the bathroom stall and emerged in my writing clothes as if nothing had happened.