I blew it today. Or, maybe I didn’t.
My training schedule calls for a 3.5-mile run plus strength on Thursdays (which I do on Fridays because I’m working on Thursdays). Anyway, I should have risen early this morning to run before the hubby and baby woke up. Instead, I chose to sleep slept in till almost 7:30. Then, got up with T Junior and made banana pancakes.
After everyone was done eating and Mr. T had left for work, T Junior played while I fed the dogs and cleaned up the kitchen. We should’ve gone running then, but I’d eaten three thick pancakes doused with fake maple syrup and real maple syrup because my taste buds are dulled for some reason. Too full to run. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway because T Junior was ready for a nap by 9:20. And he needs his naps.
While he slept, I gathered my things that I needed to take to the set-up for the kids sale I’m participating in tomorrow. I was just finishing up when I heard T Junior in his crib.
It was 11 and we were scheduled for a play date at 12:30. We left the house at 11:45 and we returned at 4. Guess what? Time for another nap. I SERIOUSLY considered putting T Junior in the BOB and heading out for a run; just letting him nap, or not nap, in the stroller. BUT, being the nice wife that I am, I didn’t want him to be a wreck for Mr. T, who will be feeding him and putting him to bed tonight because I have to take all that stuff to the kids sale and then rush to a book club meeting. SO, I am sacrificing my run. T Junior is napping. I’m staring at a heap of laundry that needs to be folded.
I figure it is going to be okay, though, because I have a race on Sunday, and technically the Friday and Saturday before a race are supposed to be rest days, according to Mr. Higdon. Also, I don’t know if I still have my cold or what, but it feels like I have a small golfball lodged in my throat when I swallow. It’s annoying and I hope it’s gone by Sunday.
In conclusion: Today was an epic scheduling fail.