Warning: This post starts off fun, but goes quickly downhill after that…
DAY 306
Yesterday, I rested. It was rainy here and I felt like cooking something in the crockpot. I made Chicken Parmesan, but did not adjust the cooking time for my crockpot’s size. I think ours is a 5 or 6-quart and lots of recipes are made for 3-quart crocks.
Crockpot Chicken Parmesan fail.
When I took the lid off at dinner time, here’s what I saw: dried up spaghetti sauce with a black-crust edge. That doesn’t look good. I got a serving spoon and tried to scoop out the chicken, but it wouldn’t budge. I scraped at it and it fell apart, but not in a good way. It was dry and almost looked like it would disintigrate like that greedy Donovan dude does when he drinks the holy water from the wrong cup in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. “He chose poorly.”
I’m such a bad cook that I can’t even make dinner in a crockpot. I unplugged the pot and announced, “We’re going out.”
It worked out, though, because we decided to make it T Junior’s birthday dinner (his real birthday dinner at home with family will be Thursday), but when I was growing up, we always got to go out for our birthday, too. I wasn’t thrilled about where we ended up, though.
We went to Shari’s (if you’re from around here, we call it Scary’s, it’s sort of like a Denny’s). Mr. T wanted to take T Junior there so we could get him (and us, of course), a piece of pie.
Once we were there, though, it turned out to be great. Nobody cared that T Junior wanted to race his Matchbox car on the table or that he didn’t always use his “inside voice.” And, he got his favorite food: pancakes. It was one large pancake with a whipped cream smile, a scoop-of-yellow-butter nose, two mounds of mini chocolate chips for eyes and two mini pancakes for ears. He got a piece of bacon and a sausage with it. It did not need syrup. I quickly took that away and scooped the nose off.
But we let him eat the rest, and he loved it. He ate 98% of it; there were only a couple bites of pancake and sausage left. You only turn two once, right?
Then we ordered two pieces of pie to share (although, we probably would’ve been fine with one). He was taking bites of banana cream faster than I could push it away. In the end, me and Mr. T were shoveling pie so there wouldn’t be any left because he’d had enough sweet stuff.
We went out to the car and he was shivering with sugar, and way too enthusiastic about the crow on the roof and the dog in the back of the minivan parked next to us. “A dog in a back a car!” he squealed for 5 minutes after we left the parking lot. Actually, he was being pretty funny. “I goofin’ awound,” he told us.
We didn’t go home right away because he needed to work off some of that sugar. We went to Petco and he got super excited about the rodents and the amphibians there. By the time we were back in the minivan, he was crashing hard. Poor kid.
He doesn’t normally get a lot of sugar, though, so we didn’t feel like too bad of parents or anything.
DAY 307
I wanted Mr. T to set my alarm clock for 5:30 this morning, but somehow he forgot. Luckily, enough drool to fill Lake Michigan was gushing out of the corner of my mouth and creating quite a large a pool on my pillow, so I woke up at 5:45. Later, when I scolded Mr. T about the clock, he said, “But you were only running 3 miles. Seriously, how long can it take?”
I explained to him that I can’t just run and be done now. Nope. In addition to getting dressed, eating and putting on all my gadgets, I now have a warm up, pre-run stretching, walking, then the run, then post-run stretching and, finally, icing.
That whole routine took an hour and 15 minutes this morning. I warmed up with 50 jumping jacks and 50 jump ropes as part of Inperspire’s Virtual Boot Camp Challenge. Then I stretched my calves.
Since it was pouring outside and 45-degrees (F) and all I had for running bottoms was a skirt or shorts, I tried to think positive instead of negative. I channeled Penny and some of the other bloggy guys and gals who like running in the rain.
They inched up as I ran, though, which was annoying.
I do like them for biking at the gym.
I was cold as I did a warm-up walk. I stopped to stretch my calves again on a curb and the rain soaked my back.
Finally, I was running.
The run itself felt okay. It wasn’t as good as Friday. In fact, I could feel soreness in my shins while going up and down the stairs on Saturday. And I felt it right away on my run today.
I did my 1.5-mile Town Loop twice, focusing on my gait, trying to use my thigh muscles to propel each leg forward instead of the calf muscles. I thought about running from my core and paid attention to my arms, swinging them back and forth, not side to side like I sometimes do when I’m running lazy.
Those things made me faster, but it didn’t change the fact that I could feel soreness in my shins and calves. Again, my right one especially. At home, I stretched and then iced my right leg with my peas and green beans.
Then I went about my day, which didn’t really consist of much. We just sort of lazed around. I colored my hair (darker, in case you are wondering). Later, we went to our friends’ house. And that’s where I felt it.
I was sitting down, even. But I used my legs to shift my body in the chair or something and my shins and calves protested. Severe tightness and soreness. Not quite pain. But it felt like before.
So, I don’t know that I’ll be running a half marathon in two weeks. Walking maybe. Bloggy buddy Alma over at The Average Woman’s Running Blog offered to let me speed-walk it with her and some friends, and I might take her up on that. It would be fun.
(I just have to figure out the logistics because we never got a hotel over there — it’s about three hours from our house. The plan was to stay in our new RV, which we never purchased, and then I got hurt, so I didn’t bother to secure a place to stay. We could drive it, but that’s an early morning for T Junior and I also need to figure out packet pick-up.)
Here’s what I’m really sad about: I hadn’t announced it yet, but I really, really wanted to try for the Bellingham Bay Marathon on September 26. It would’ve been 26.2 on my 33rd birthday. Training would start next week. So I guess that’s out.
How long does calf strain and shin splints take to go away? Could I do
the first half of the training on the bike maybe? Should I go to physical therapy sooner than later? Is it going to get better on its own? This is all so annoying. I’m impatient. I want to be a marathoner now, not next year or the year after or whenever.
Maybe this is God’s way of keeping me healthy since I need to stay in shape if I’m training to train for a marathon. Know what I mean? I’m pretty sure if I didn’t have a race to prep for, that I could do some serious slacking and fall back into my old ways of just sitting around staring at Facebook all day (I still do that of course, but just a half-day now).
Jill and Mel are trying to get a group together for a half or 10K that’s also on my birthday. Maybe I should shoot for the 10K. Maybe I should just be happy with 5 and 10Ks for this year and plan for a full next year.
Either way, I have to end this post because it’s getting late and I have to get up to bike in the morning. Maybe I’ll figure it out while I’m sweating buckets at 6 a.m.
So sorry Kerrie. This royally sucks. I wish I still had access to my cross country and track coaches. One year I had shin splints that lasted an entire track season. I was able to manage it by taping them up. I bet you could buy some of that tape and have a trainer show you or your hubby how to tape them. It is essentially the calf muscle pulling the muscle away from the shin bone so you have to tape them up right. Hang in there, don't over do it! Injury is the worst. Listen to your body and before you know it you will notice improvement. I guess that is what happened to my hip. I took my training way down to allow the inflamation to go down and it worked. So trust your training, you are in great shape and it will take a long time to lose that conditioning. Especailly if you are still cross training like you have been! Even the Go Girl in September may not be out of the question!!!! T Jr is just so darned cute! i actually like Shari's. Somehow I happened in there one weekend day after my husband deployed the first time. the were so kid friends that I made it a Sunday even ritual. I haven't really been this time around but something about it kinda made me feel better and we enjoyed going there. And those pancakes are awesome! Levi calls it Mickey Mouse! Hope he has a great birthday!!!!Longest blog comment EVER.
Girl, I feel your pain. I so sorry. I know this is hard for you. It seems so tricky trying to pin point what causes what?? Maybe find a sports doc or p.t who works with runners…sooner than later. Praying for you and so happy you can still do some cross training. Keep me posted!
I would say get to PT as soon as you can because it just doesn't seem to be going away on its own. 🙁 Try to be patient. Your time will come! We just need to figure out this setback first.
I agree with Marlene … get to PT ASAP, so that you get back at it.I am trying to make it out for that race. You need to get better so we can run together! You will overcome this!
Oooooh did not know it is your birthday.. Hmmmmmm… gotta love birthday and running… I hope you figure out what you want to do..
Kerrie, I'm so sorry you are having shin pain! That sucks! What shoes are you running in? And how old are they? I used to get shin splints all the time-really pissed me off-but then I got orthotics and bought neutral shoes for my orthotics and I havent had shin issues since!Have you been to a podiatrist to see how you plant your feet? remember-everything starts at your feet.I have learned to listen to my body! Even when I dont want to rest-its' mandatory!!I love that you went out for a rainy day run!!! I am so jealous!! Can I have your rain???
Oh Kerrie, I'm so sorry you are struggling with the shin splints. Here's my advice, coming from someone who was injured and had planned to start training for a half.Focus your efforts on healing and recovering and don't even think about racing right now. In fact, don't even look for races right now, you'll only get even more frustrated.I even went as far as not reading all the running blogs I follow because it was just to hard to read about people running when I couldn't. I'm not suggesting you do the same, I'm just saying that's what I did.I've never had shin splints (knocking on wood) but based on what I've read, taking it easy is the way to heal. I think the bike and some light running are good for your recovery and will help you heal faster. Listen to your body and your shins and let them dictate what and how much you do. It would really suck if you caused more damage by training for races coming up in the near future. That'll only result in more time off from running and racing.There will always be races to run. Just get healthy now.
I agree about PT. I hate this in between stuff and I know you do too. Hang in there! I know it sucks to have your race schedule all thrown off and feel like you don't have a goal. But you do…get healthy 🙂 Then you can start racing!
What a trooper you are! Your son is so freakin cute! Don't feel bad about the crock-pot fail, it happens to the best of us. Hope your legs are feeling better today.
This post has been removed by the author.
I have to agree with what Lisa said – just focus on getting better and not racing BUT…check this out on Sept 26th, a 10k in Tacoma!!! http://www.runyougogirl.com/
Hey Kerrie, little late here but still wanted to say hey. Sorry things arent going the way you'd planned/wanted. Injuring yourself further is just not worth it. I skip runs sometimes or run less than I'd planned just because I want to take it easy. Like tomorrow I had an 8-mile speedwork run planned but I'm not sure if it's wise considering the long weekend I had, plus I don't know if I'll run today and I rested yesterday, so running cold wouldn't be great… I'm rambling…Anyway, the question isn't with your determination or motivation or anything mental, and really not even with your cardio. Just those stupid shins. And the last thing you want to do is to hurt yourself even more, at this point. You've got a whole lifetime of running ahead of you.A 10K on your birthday would be awesome! I ran five miles last year on my birthday and thought that was awesome, I might run longer this year on my birthday, but a race would be an awesome birthday present!
The birthday sounds/looks so fun. Seriously I want a pancake with a face on it 😀 So jealous. And as far as speed walking the half goes, i say go for it- it's a new experience. One more thing to check of fyour list of life 😀