Um, hi. Where did February go? Oh yeah, I had my regular 3-day-a-week gig and a 20+/week contract position on the side, and had to write packaging copy for products that won’t be on store shelves until fall. So, remind me a couple months before Christmas, and then maybe I can show you were February went. (Unless they rewrite all my copy. Then I got nothin’.)
Meantime, we are about to leave for a pretty hefty vacay at the in-laws. In Florida. Where it’s WARM. Where they can see the sun on a regular basis.
After that, we are taking Karsen to DisneyWorld. MICKEY. I’m pretty excited to get away. So excited I don’t care that my tri/half training will take a little hit. Ah well. I’m taking my running stuff, and I think one of the hotels has a bike, but I’m not going to worry about it. I am going to try my darndest to keep up the core work, though. I’ll be away from the blog, of course, but when I get back, I sort of have some exciting news (no, I’m not preggers like the rest of the running world seems to be!).
Then it’s GO time. I want to be in tip-top shape for the Dilettante Women’s Triathlon on June 15. I’ve decided to do the sprint. I’m going to give it all I got, and see what happens.
I was listening to a past episode of the Runner Academy podcast today and Matt was interviewing Dean Karnazes. (BTW-Super proud of myself for spelling Karnazes correct on the first try! These are things a runner should know.) Dean was talking about all kinds of good stuff, but he said one thing that stuck with me: “Push yourself to failure.” I love this. It’s going to be my motto in 2013.
It should be your motto, too! OMG, we could be twinsies. Hey, I know! You should do the Dilettante Women’s Triathlon, too!
Why? Because you gotta see what you can do, right? Maybe you rock at triathlon. Maybe you could freaking win a triathlon! You would never know unless you tried it out. (And, when you do try it and win, don’t forget to thank me.)
Dilettante Women’s Triathlon
Five Mile Lake Park – Federal Way
Saturday, June 15, 8 a.m.
Sprint: $70 (price goes up after March 31)
Olympic: $100 (price goes up after March 31)
Sign up now and save $10 with the discount code: INSANITYDWT13
There will be chocolate at the finish!
And, because they are cute, here are a couple of pics of Karsen working out with me:

1 comment
I’ve wanted to do a triathlon for so long, but the swim just freaks me out.
Hope Disneyworld is fantastic!