In my post at 2Toms yesterday I discussed some helpful hints for goal-planning. Here are my answers to the questions I found at, which I am answering in regard to running and life in order to plan for 2012.
What are your values?
I suppose these are the same whether I’m talking about life in general or running. In no particular order:
- Family
- A sense of accomplishment
- Monetary comfort
- Adventure
- Good health
- Friends
What are your strengths?
This one is extremely difficult for me. Writing and talking do come very easily for me. By talking, I mean just chatting it up with whomever — much to Mr. T’s horror. Beyond that, though, I’m not sure. I love running, but I don’t think it comes easy to me, although now that I’m all trained up, it feels like it does. Here are a few, but I need to think on this one a bit longer.
- Writing
- Talking
- Humor (this, obviously, is objective…)
What do I love doing?
This was difficult. I love doing a lot of things. And I had to be honest. I do love shopping.
- Being outside (running, hiking)
- Writing (about my experiences)
- Exploring new places/activities/ideas alone and with family or friends
- Socializing
- Shopping
What do I want my ideal day to look like?
Unfortunately, I don’t know if there’s enough time in a day for the following “ideal day.” Also, Mr. T doesn’t get home from work until after dinner. However, we were discussing that T Junior is 3-1/2 and could probably stay up a bit later than he does now, so maybe we can move dinner back a little.
- Write
- Run/exercise
- Play with T Junior
- Family dinner
- Family game or play
- Time alone with Mr. T
- Write or read
With these things to consider, I will choose my goals — running and not — for 2012, although there’s no reason why I couldn’t get started now. Right?
What goals do you have for 2012 that are not running-related?
Not running related…Write more. And more. And more. 🙂 Keep unfolding as a writer and finding new opportunities to write. (This we have in common). 🙂 continue to build a strong family foundation and make some amazing memories for my children!
Those are all good things to get out on paper, or in this case, the blog.My 2012 non-running goal is to spend more time with my kids. I know that's kinda generic, but that's OK.
My biggest goal for 2012 is to find better ways of managing stress. I'm planning on having a year without big hills to climb – I wonder if the rest of the family will come to the party on that one.
Oh, I so agree with the things you wrote here…you're inspiring me to be so strategic in my goals for 2012…
Thanks for this info! Great goals! I am going to go check out this site and work on my own non-running goals for 2012. 🙂