I am going through something. Every day, I think: Okay, today is the day I get back on the horse. Today, I will do some HIIT stuff and lift weights and run. And then today happens. And it’s all: I need to vacuum first. I have freelance writing to do. I need to reorganize my kitchen. I need to play with my son (which I do NEED to do and am always glad I make time for this).
Plus, I keep forgetting things I’m supposed to do. Like what time my son’s baseball party is. Or that I have ALL the keys to the van. Or to get tickets to that band my husband loves so we can go on his birthday. 🙁
Running, lifting and other exercise-y things seem to have dropped in importance. For example: I was going to sign up for another triathlon, but it sounds like so much work.
Maybe I get 15 minutes of dumbbells in during the day, which is something. This morning, I went for a nice, leisurely walk for about 25 minutes.
Where is my drive? Where is my love for pushing myself? What happened to my need for speed? How did I lose my motivation? Will I get it back?
Karsen’s starting kindergarten in less than two months. My work schedule will change so that I can be home when he gets home from school. I will have about two hours from when I get home until he gets home.
It’s not that I won’t enjoy some alone time. It’s just…weird.
Part of me is feeling very unprepared for having a couple hours a day where I don’t need to feel guilty about doing “stuff.” Because right now, I can take him to day care on my two days off, but then I feel guilty about it even though he’s doing way more fun things, like playing with friends, than he would be doing at home (like emptying the dishwasher).
What does this have to do with not exercising? I don’t know. I just think it might be related somehow. If only I’d actually gone to my psychology class in college.
Or maybe I really have just lost my mojo because naps sounds way funner than long runs. Actually, more fun than long, short and medium length runs. I have been trying to eat well, but have been letting things slide more than normal. (Lucky Charms really are like candy.)
I don’t know. I sort of feel like I’m in limbo for some reason. Maybe it’s just because it’s summer? It’s a very uncomfortable place to be. I’m freaked that I’m going to let myself slide into my old habits. The ones that have taken me four years to break. Old me. Fat me. The me who thinks to the point of paralysis.
I mean, I could spend hours in my head. When I think too much, I tend to get sad. Maybe that means I need to get outside and run.
Has anyone else gone through this? Does this post even make sense?
I get like this all the time. I wish I had some advice for you. All I can say is you will get through it. What race are you thinking about signing up for? I’m still planning on doing the Irongirl. You should totally sign up 🙂
Wow, I’ve felt this way for about a year, and I know why now and am working on getting better. Some big changes/news happened a year ago for me and I think I kind of knew things prior and I just chose not to deal with them. I realized I have choice to do what I want or not and that includes choosing to fill my voids with things unhealthy or healthy. And I’m not just talking about exercise, I’m talking about dealing with emotions and why you feel the way you do. I happen to be sort of an idealist and when things are not what I desire for them to be I can get negative and analyze the crap out of everything trying to solve the problem…which in turns just makes me feel crazy because sometimes I can’t fix it. Maybe this is just me…but I know if I just try to go through life day by day without being introspective to where my heart is at and the condition it is in, I can become despondent, depressed and detached. You’re a great writer so maybe take time to journal about your feelings and situations because you might stumble upon the clue as to why you feel the way you feel. I would also say maybe check your vitamin intake but usually that’s only part of the issue and you might feel peppy for a little while till the blah feelings return.
Sorry went a little long and maybe too deep….but hope it helps. 🙂
Hum..sounds like a lot going on. If you want to chat and have me take a look at it from a coaching standpoint and see if I notice anything, I’d be happy to help!
There are a lot of things that can cause those types of down feelings, especially with training and running/triathlon!
Keep your head up.
I think this kind of thing just happens. I’m kind of now coming out of a 6-month long funk, and it just took some patience, and creativity… I didn’t push to run when I really really really didn’t want to, I didn’t force myself to sign up for something just to HAVE something there. I did what sounded fun – short runs a few times a week? Sounded good. Slooooow runs with friends? Okay. Trails? Sure.
Your mojo will come back, but maybe right now you’re just craving a break. Nothing wrong with that :).
Please let me know what that “quiet time alone at home” situation is like; I don’t know what that is.
Totally! I used yup get like this all the time! Then I would run a mile, feel okay, and overindulge. Then I would feel crappy and avdid exercise. When I started participating in Instagram challenges (I know that must sound super lame), I felt that peer pressure and that was a really great motivator for me. I had to prove to someone else that I’d done something. It is still a great motivator for me! I used to run two days a week MAYBE, but now I run five or six and it feels amazing!!
This post totally makes sense and it is how I feel all year long. Maybe it is a burn out… not necessarily of working out, maybe just life. Sometimes we have to put the breaks on and focus on the things we truly enjoy. Life is too short to spend it on things we don’t like doing.