Major Miles... aka Tricia…firmly believes “Endurance Isn’t Only Physical“. She applies that doctrine by doing the majority of her training mentally. Sure, she plans on putting in some “major miles” as part of training, but just as importantly she is preparing for Hood to Coast by dreaming about running down that mountain, talking about the upcoming relay to anyone that will listen, and focusing her energy on tracking down the perfect camo print in wicking material.
“Draft beer, not people”
Captain Cupcake …Average A who keeps the
Diary of an Average Runner, has this to say: My life has become amazing once I started believing in myself and putting my mind and spirit into my dreams. This runs the gamut in every aspect of life: from overcoming addictions; moving across the country on my own; and becoming better, stronger, and faster in my own body every single day.
I am really excited to not only have the chance to run this historic race, but I am excited to team up with so many wonderful, talented, and inspiring female bloggers — some of whom I’ve admired for years!
Captain Obvious of Seattle has a superpower-esque way of making completely useless observations to her running buddies: “Look, there’s a
slug. Don’t want to step on that.” She has been distance running, racing and blogging about it for two years, and recently completed her first full marathon. Captain Obvious, who blogs at Mom vs. Marathon, would like to point out that she is a mother, as well.
Running the “Bataan” leg… Captain Underpants … aka the faster bunny whose notable
accomplishments include but are not limited to having run three marathons, BQ-ed and NYC qualified. She is incredibly good at never getting injured! Hasn’t been injured since age 16. Additionally, she’s got a couple tech-y sounding degrees that she is proud of (Engineering and MBA). (The lack of any English classes probably explains the awful grammar in her blog). She can make some mean pancakes for breakfast and a great key lime pie. She is learning to bike so that one day she can do a triathlon.
A lover of all things crazy and that push you to the limit, she is excited to be a member of this squad because Hood to Coast is just that. She feels that to be on a team with a ton of extremely nice and inspiring women is priceless.
General Confusion.Lisa is a married mother of two wonderful children who blogs at Discovering the Meaning of Stonehenge. She took up running 3 1/2 years ago, at age forty. While training for her first marathon,
she discovered her love of running and fitness. Since 2008, she has run five marathons, 16+ half marathons, six mud runs and oodles of other races. She is a RRCA certified running coach as well as trained in pre- and post-natal fitness, teaching Stroller Strides and Body Back
bootcamp classes. Running is her escape, her fun and her “me” time. She builds friendships around running, but also finds her “happy place” during solo runs.
In a previous life, Lisa was a casino executive (for 18 years!). She worked long hours in a tough, people-focused industry which really gave her a thick skin. There isn’t much Lisa hasn’t seen or heard, and a bunch of women in a van during Hood to Coast will be tame compared to some of the high rollers in the casinos.
Hood to Coast has been a dream of Lisa’s for many years. Her father ran it a few times in the 80’s and even before Lisa was a runner, she thought that HTC would be very cool. The course goes through her old stomping grounds of Mt. Hood, Sandy, Gresham, downtown Portland and the Oregon Coast. She is thrilled and honored to have been chosen by NUUN
to run on their team.
Private Chafe … aka Jess Allen aka “THE” Blonde Ponytail 😉 Jess ran her first race ever, the Portland Marathon, last
October 2010 and began her blog, Blonde Ponytail shortly thereafter. Jess is a recognized ninja. When she isn’t
silently assassinating wrong-doers, she advises students at Washington
State University where her husband coaches baseball. Jess is a NSCA-CSCS and
former Stanford University softball player. She is mom to one fur-child, Cooper, a 3.5 yr old golden retriever.
{Captain Obvious would like to add: GO COUGS!}
Cap’n Crunch introduces herself: Hi everyone! I’m Caitlin and unlike most of the lovely ladies on my team, I am not (currently J ) a blogger! I am a part of the Nuun Event Marketing team and I
volunteered myself for a spot on the team! I graduated from Washington State University in 2010 where I played soccer for the Cougs, in addition to learning my degree in Comm. I grew up in a running family and have run two half marathons in the past year. My Hood to Coast legs will be the most I’ve ever run in 24 hours and I’m quite looking forward to the challenge.
{Captain Obvious would like to add: GO COUGS!}
Code name: Nightingale. This super secret agent is rumored to blog at Nurse on the Run. Her identity is closely guarded and all info is classified. When sighted, she is usually in the vicinity of someone needing medical
assistance… or running really fast!
Major Pain …aka H Love… whose motto and blog are Keep On Keeping On. She tells us: I spent my time growing up between Florida and Washington State,
enjoying the beauty of both places! I am a small town girl who loves to compete (with myself) and try new things. I have always loved sports, but running was never one of them. I played basketball at the community college level and then finished my schooling at Washington State University! Go Cougs! In 2009 another mom asked me to be on a 100K relay team to run the last leg….4.3 miles! What? It was a huge challenge. After running those 4.3 miles I was HOOKED!
Those 4.3 miles , led to 13.1 and recently 26.2! Being part of NUUN Platuun is a huge gift and I still can’t believe I am going to be part of HOOD to COAST! I am a mom of three amazng kids (10, 8 & 5) who inspire me daily! I am blessed with a hard working hubby that makes me laugh and supports me in all I do.
I “stay at home” (ha, ha, that’s a joke) with the kiddos and work part time as a Early Childhood Education consultant and trainer. I love to bust a move (no alcohol necessary) and enjoy hanging with my fam and friends. Love, love, love, white sand beaches,the
gulf of mexico and warm sunshine! I try to enjoy the moments I am given and always looks for ways to inspire and connect with others! Can’t wait to “bring it” with this amazing group of women! Go NUUN Platuun! Hoo- Rah!!
{Captain Obvious would like to add: GO COUGS!}
Sergeant Style …aka Tonia. Here’s the short version: Mom. Runner. Wife. Triathlete. Friend. Pescatarian. Coach. Not necessarily in that order.
And the not so short version: As a former Division I Track and Field
athlete, I have always had an athletic side, but it wasn’t until my
second child was born that running became my passion. I began running
in 2007 after I vowed to run a 10K by the end of the year. I finished
that 10K and have never looked back. Since then, I’ve run 4 marathons,
10 half marathons and a slew of shorter races. Right now, I am training
for the NYC Marathon with Team Grassroot Soccer.
Although, I am primarily a stay-at-home mom, I have been active in
the fitness industry for five years and is am a certified running coach with the Road Runners Club of America. In 2010, I established, TMB Endurance Training, a coaching endeavor focused primarily on distance runners. I am also certified as a fitness instructor with the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, where much of my focus has been spent in the areas of Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness.
On a personal level, I am mother to three beautiful daughters, Dizzle, Doodle, and
Dilly, wife of 7 years to J and author of the blog,
Why I am so excited to be on Team Nuun for Hood to Coast: Well, isn’t it obvious? Hood to Coast is “the Mother of All Relays” and running it with Team Nuun is a once in a lifetime experience. Who wouldn’t be excited? Seriously, though, I am so honored to be included in this group of amazing blogging women from all over the country. I am looking forward to being challenged and forming new friendships and bonds. I know this is bound to be an experience I will never forget.

Commando …aka XLMIC, blogger at Taking It On … lurks in the shadows until the perfect moment to jump out and bust someone’s cojones. She is relentless in everything she does. If she cannot out-and-out beat you running on the road, she will annoy you into the ground or make you laugh until you are immobilized… or you wet your pants. She appears unphased by almost any situation. She began running as a way of cross-training for her favorite sport, rowing. She rowed for Cornell University, at Vesper Boat Club, and was on the 1991 US PanAm team. After running two sub-4 hour marathons, she had four kids and took an injury-forced, 8-year hiatus from athletics. (She also has 6 grown stepkids). She resumed running less than a year ago and prefers to run at night… stealth-style… after everyone is asleep. Don’t look for her because you won’t find her that way. Just listen… she has a hard time keeping quiet for very long.
I'm seem to be having double (no triple! no quadruple!) vision today. ;)But seriously – SO pumped for all of you girls!!! “Captain Obvious” – lol!!!Also – got my Rokit goodies in the mail. Canada Post was on strike for a while so they may have been stuck somewhere for a while, if you were wondering. THANKS! Can't wait to try 'em out!
Love this. Awesome team name and team members. You girls are going to kick butt….OBVIOUSLY 🙂
i <3 your bio photo!!! i cant wait to read all the H2C recaps after the relay 🙂 🙂 🙂
Great stuff!!Who would've guessed so many WSU alums on one team? I wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing… 😉
woooo! your team frickin rocks! gonna be so much fun for you guys!
It's OBVIOUS that Captain Obvious is a Cougars fan ;-)Yay, us!!!!
Watch out now! You ladies are going to kick some major butt! Winks & Smiles,Wifey
LOVE this!
I am so excited for this!! I can't wait to be your teammate.Although… I might just have to wear my Green and Gold. Go Ducks!! 😉