What’s your essential long-run item?
I always, always have at least one bottle of NUUN (pronounced “noon”) on my belt for double-digit runs. The one time I didn’t bring any (this 15-miler right HERE), I was so painfully sore during and after the run, it was insane.
So, of course, I had some Tri-Berry with me on yesterday’s 12-miler with Amy, Mel and Zoë (recap coming tomorrow). NUUN is so refreshing on the run! I like Tri-Berry and Orange the best.
What is NUUN? I’ll let them explain: “NUUN is an electrolyte enhanced drink tablet formulated to dissolve in water and designed to keep you optimally hydrated wherever you are.” You simply drop one tablet in 16 ounces of water (or half a tablet — they are easy to snap in half — into 8 ounces), let it dissolve (takes a minute or so), and you’re all set.
Win some! NUUN has offered to give away a mixed 4-pack — Tri-Berry, Lemon-Lime, Citrus and Orange — and one of their signature NUUN water bottles. There are a TON of ways to win!
- Mandatory: Visit www.nuun.com, then come back and tell me something interesting about them.
Bonus Entries!
- Become a Virtual Running Buddy (follower) of Mom vs. Marathon and leave me a comment below or leave me a comment letting me know you already are.
- Like NUUN on Facebook HERE and leave me a comment below.
- Like Mom vs. Marathon on Facebook HERE and leave me a comment below.
- Follow NUUN on Twitter, @ministryofnuun and leave me a comment below.
- Follow Mom vs. Marathon on Twitter, @momvsmarathon and leave me a comment below.
- Share this giveaway on your blog, tweet it or spread the word via Facebook — leave me a comment below to let me know you did.
Thanks for entering! Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 6.
No sugar!
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I like the fact that they are sugar-free – and easy on the tummy!
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I'll post this on my giveaways tab on my blog.
Nuun is absorbed into your system more quickly than other electrolyte drinks!
Every tube of Nuun keeps twelve water or traditional sports drinks plastic bottles from being used.A good way to help the planet while getting your needed electrolytes!I'm a follower!
From PNW!
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tubes are recycle-able!
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They are a Pacific Northwest Company! I like that.
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I visited their website and think it's funny that people use it as a hangover cure.
I tried these after the valentines day run, I like the lemon-lime.
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Absorbs faster than water!
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Shared on my blog sidebar
I already follow nuun on twitter, and I just followed you, too. I also liked you and nuun on facebook as well.
I have raised some “hard core” football players and never knew this stuff exsisted. I like that is portable and sugar free.
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I follow you on facebook 🙂
I am a virtual running partner.I'm just beginning so it's inspiring reading your blog:D
I liked Nuun on facebook
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I have re-posted the Nuun giveaway on facebook.
Love that they are sugar free.
Love that they are sugar free.
I am your newest follower…check out my blog: diaperderby.blogspot.com
I am your newest follower…check out my blog: diaperderby.blogspot.com
I follow you on twitter=diaperderbymama
I follow nuun on twitter….
I follow you on your blog & like you on facebook. The Nuun website was full of good info, but I have to admit that the claim that every tablet contains love has me intrigued… it must be like drinking a hug. 🙂
I like Nuun's pretty blue shirts in the pictures! I tried it for the first time on Sunday's 12 mile run — LOVED IT!!
They have a pretty cool website – I learned that they have new flavors coming out in April, I'd like to try the Tropical flavor, and the Strawberry-Lemonade!
I learned that Nuun also sponsors / markets to golfers 🙂 I guess I shouldn't be mean, but whenever I think golf, I think of my grandpa…. not exactly the kind of individual who really needs to worry about optimal hydration strategies.-Gracemizcottonball (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I like on Facebook!
Following @ministryofnuun on twitter!
I'm now following your blog.
and here is the mandatory one–Nuun is a great way to make sure I'm getting plenty of electrolytes with my hydration even when I'm limiting the amount of carbohydrates I'm consuming during a workout day.
something interesting for me is they are in seattle!! So close to me, & I love local buisinesses!!
Liked Nuun on facebook!
Like Mom vs marathon on fb!
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I learned that Diabetic athletes can benefit from using NUUN
Follower here!
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I like NUUN on fb!
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I follow nuun on twitter!
You are linked on my sidebar!
I am a follower :).
I don't have Twitter, but I will add them to FB when I get home (as Nazi police here at work won't let me on FB!! The nerve!)
I visited the Nuun site and I love that they are so low calorie. It makes it easier to get a lot of water down in a day when it tastes so good and is almost no calories. 🙂
I am a new follower. :)Erin http://seemomrunfar.blogspot.com/
I like nuun on facebook
I liked Mom Vs. Marathon on facebook 🙂
I added your giveaway to my blog.http://seemomrunfar.blogspot.com/
Does it count that I know that Shelley's dad is an owner? 😉 How about that it replensihes your salt as well as hydrates?I'm a follwer here and on FB. :)And I told my BFF Kelley about it – she runs a running group in FL, and has a blog to boot!
They are coming out with a “Tigersblood” Nuun in honor of Mr. Sheen! Ha ha!
I follow ya, Kerrie! Elbow puddles!
I like Nuun on Facebook.
I “love” you on Facebook!
I follow you on Twitter, via @RunZoeRun
Added to my giveaway page:http://www.runzoerun.com/p/giveaways.html
It's a good option for diabetics.
I'm a follower.
You can buy nuun in lots of places worldwide. That means that when I visit my friend who is moving to the Isle of Man (UK) I can buy nuun there and not have to travel with it!
I'm already a running buddy. 🙂
I like NUUN on fb.
Linked to my sidebar @ running42km.blogspot.com
I follow your blog.
Nuun has no sugar.
I am a FB fan of Nuun.
I follow Nuun on Twitter.
I follow Mom vs Marathon on Twitter
Follow the blog/virtual running buddy here! Strawberry-Lemonade flavor coming out in April…sounds amazing!
I love nuun!I visited their site and the most interesting (and amusing) thing was a review from a site called drinkspirits.com, touting nuun as a good way to stave off hangovers. I believe it! It's cured my exercise-related headaches.
Just became your virtual running buddy!
Already follow nuun on twitter!
Followed you on twitter! (I'm @terzah)
I follow Nuun on twitter now
and I follow you on twitter too!
What I found interesting at nuun.com is that their formula is more quickly absorbed than other sports drinks.
Now following Mom vs Marathon on Facebook.
Just followed you to become a virtual running buddy.
I checked out the site and see that there is no sugar.
I am a follower.
I like nuun on facebook.
I like Mom vs marathon on facebook.
I like that it's actual athletes developing the product!
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I'm a follower 🙂
I linked you on the sidebar of my blog
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