I can take a smack in the face hint. The Universe does not want me to swim.
Over the past two weeks, I’ve wasted hours getting up early and putting on my bathing suit (when all I wanted to do is pull up my covers), then writing down workouts, driving 15 minutes to the pool, only to have to turn around and drive 15 minutes right back home. Last week: right time, wrong day. This week: right day, wrong time.
I admit it. I cried in my minivan in the pool parking lot this morning. I felt defeated. Like the Universe won. I so wanted to swim.
On the drive home, my mind raced trying to figure out how I would get in a workout today. I could run. I could get home, change, and get out the door for three miles. That seemed easy. I could do that, I thought as I squinted trying to see out my windshield and through the pouring rain.
But by the time I got home, I talked myself out of it. My legs need a rest. I ran Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And I’m not used to running three days in a row. I’m not going to risk injury. I got out of the van and flip-flapped up the driveway in my flip-flops, my feet getting wet. Biking is definitely out.
I let myself in, went upstairs, showered and got ready for the day. We had to go sign our tax return, then I wanted to take T Junior to the movies.
That was this morning. It’s almost evening now and I just finished my workout.
Well, Universe: I see your no-swim, half-a-bag-of-popcorn-day and I raise you Level Two AND Three of Jillian Michaels’s 30-Day Shred.
I win!
I love your blog. As a beginning runner I find a lot of inspiration in your musings. Thank you for being so dedicated to your running and your blogging.
Great stuff! The universe doesn't stand a chance against determination.
I never want to swim in the AM, but I made myself do it this morning. Trust me, my bed was warm and comfy, but my inner triathlete fought to go to the pool, so I listened. Hey, at least you got in some kind of sweating, right?
It's like that Van Morrison song – There'll be Days Like This. That song for some reason always rolls through my mind when plans go kerput.
Way to punch swimming in the face Kerrie!!
Haha, no-swim and popcorn!! You lose!
Frustrating! I think we need to get you a house with your own indoor pool so you can swim whenever you please!
Hahahaha… you are so funny! Fight on sister!
Booyeah! What kind of nutcase does levels 2 and 3 back to back? GO GIRL!
Great job!!! Way to stick it to the universe. 🙂
Aww, I feel for you, girl! I've had days like that. But way to go showing the Universe with a back to back Level 2 and 3! Hard core, momma!