I go back and forth about continuing this blog. Blogging, I can’t quit you!
But I’m trying to think of a new purpose for Mom vs. Marathon since I no longer need it for the reason I started it in the first place.
I began the blog to help keep me accountable. Writing about each run kept me going. Dude, remember when I wore cotton t-shirts to run in?!

Then it became about community and interacting with other runners. Holla!

For a while, I wanted to use it to help new runners, but there are thousands of running blogs that can do that better than I can. (I have no pictures here, you will just have to Google “running blogs” and find some yourself.)
But I love running. And I love sharing that love…okay that didn’t come out right.
Anyway, I’m searching for a reason to keep this blog going, other than writing insanely long race reports because a) ain’t nobody got time for that, and b) … okay, there’s no “b.”
So I apologize for theme changes and the random rambling posts, but you’ll just have to deal until I decide what to do.
Now, If I could just figure out a way to combine running and being a total goofball…
Ohh I LOVE it!! Great look!
I’m glad you haven’t given up. I enjoy your ramblings, even if I don’t comment on them all (trying to get better and the commenting)!
Thanks for commenting. 🙂 Great name, by the way.
Love the new look. I love reading posts about random happenings in somebody’s life, this makes me feel I get to know that person.
Get ready for the overshares!