How did I get here?
As you probably know, I’m running the Hood to Coast Relay THIS MONTH on a Nuun-sponsored team, Nuun Platuun. Yeeps! (That’s a combo of yikes and jeepers. I think it works.)
Two years and about 50 pounds ago, I was a couch potato with a painful sciatic nerve issue who never dreamed she’d be doing something as crazy as I think HTC is, and yet, here I am…a few weeks away. How did I get here?
This is your chance to ask me a question. I’ve been tagged by some of my “nuunmates.”
Okay, so ask me something. Anything. It can be running related or not.
I actually have a hard time with these, I can never think of anything to ask (which was a leeeetle bit of an issue when I was a journalist). I can’t pee ask on command, okay?
Here are a few tidbits about me to give you some ideas.
- I met Mr. T at a frat party.
- I do not like to be sad.
- If I came out a boy, my parents would’ve named me Brady.
- I was a foreign exchange student in Switzerland.
- My friend once stuck a baby carrot up my nostril. We were in high school.
- My favorite new Nuun flavor is Strawberry Lemonade!
Oh, and I’ll give you an incentive to ask a question:
TWO of you can win some Nuun! Yummy!
If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know that Nuun pretty much rocks my world on long runs. I won’t go on and on about it because I’ve done that…repeatedly. But, basically, what makes it awesome is that it has:
- No sugar
- Lots of those electrolyte thingies we all love
- It’s less than 8 calories
- Helps your body absorb water
If you don’t want to wait to win, though, Nuun is having an awesome discount for Team Nuun Platuun – Mom vs. Marathon followers through the end of September! Use the discount code NUUNPLATUUN at checkout for 25% off some delish Nuun! Go HERE.
So the giveaway/question-asking will start NOW and end on Sunday, Aug. 7 at 11:59 p.m. PST. There will be TWO winners, and each winner will receive a tube of Nuun and a Nuun bottle (which, by the way, are my FAVORITE bottles).
To enter (leave a comment for each entry so all of your entries will be counted):
-Ask me a question in a comment below.
-Be a follower of Mom vs. Marathon. Leave me a comment.
-Like Nuun on Facebook HERE and tell them I sent you. Leave me a comment.
-Like Mom vs. Marathon HERE and write something funny (but appropriate, m’kay) on my wall. Leave me a comment.
-Follow Nuun on Twitter HERE. Leave me a comment.
-Follow Mom vs. Marathon on Twitter HERE. Leave me a comment.
-Share this giveaway on your blog, Facebook page, in an e-mail, on Twitter (make sure you tag @momvsmarathon and @ministryofnuun)…whatevs! Leave me a comment.
Good luck and let the asking begin NOW!
PS: Actual running post (hopefully) coming tomorrow to recap Sunday’s 11-miler and Monday’s adventurous 4-miler.
I liked Nuun on FB
I am a follower of yours!
If you could run anywhere in the entire world, where would you run? What distance would you do?
Here's a question… exactly how many questions can we ask?!?! LOL
I already like nuun on FB, but I told them you were stirring up trouble… 🙂
Of course, I already like you on FB… but I left a message on your wall.
I follow nuun on twitter. Just started using the stuff at the start of marathon training, and now can't imagine a long run without it!
I already follow you on twitter. serious stalker here. lol
I tweeted about your giveaway.
I posted about this on my giveaway tab. I really really need one of those nuun bottles… and I still haven't tried that Straw Lem flavor… our running store still doesn't carry that flavor! 🙁
I also shared giveaway news on Facebook!
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now, running-wise/family-wise/work-wise (you choose)?
Like MVM on FB
follow you on Twitter!
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I follow nuun on twitter
I like nuun on FB
Ok questionYou use the walk-run method…do you use it on ALL your runs in training? what ratio and during the walk portion do you walk really fast to keep HR high ?
what are your methods for dealing when you do stupid/silly mistakes during races? This past weekend I forgot my hat and sunglasses in the car and didn't have time to go back and get them. The entire race i was soo down on myself because i was so uncomfortable without both of them! 3 days later i'm still soo mad at myself for doing such a stupid mistake!!!!!
I'm a follower on fb!!!
Do you and Mr. T plan on having any more little T-lets? 🙂
I follow your blog
I like Nuun on facebook
Left a joke on your FB page
Shared on my blog sidebar
I follow your blog
Liked Nunn on facebook
liked mom vs marathon on facebook
Following Nunn on twitter @jhooker517
Following mom vs marathon on twitter @jhooker517
Shared the giveaway on my blog in the right hand sidebar
What has been your favorite race to date?
I follow you!
I like Nuun on Facebook!
I like you on Facebook and wrote something funny…at I thought it was funny.
I follow Nuun on Twitter!
I follow you on Twitter!
I shared this giveaway on my blog!
I shared this giveaway on Facebook!
I tweeted this giveaway!
What's the number one piece of advice you have for someone who has just started running seriously after years of on and off?
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I like Nuun on FB!
I just wanted to say I used your nuunplatuun coupon and THANK YOU times a million! Got free shipping and saved $18. I love saving money. 🙂 I think my question for you would be what kind of training plans do you use/ where do you get them from?
I follow your blog!
I follow you on Facebook!
How long did it take you to get over 430 followers?
I'm a follower!
I liked them on FB!
I liked you on FB.
I follow your blog.
I like Nuun on FB.
I follow Nuun on Twitter.
I follow MvM on twitter.
Shared your giveaway on my blog.
tweeted your giveaway.
Were you drunk at that frat party? Was he? Did either of you vomit that night?Where in Switzerland were you exchanging? One of my very favorite places is Mürren in the Lauterbrunen valley. How long were you there? Do you speak German and/or French?Thanks for playing the game 🙂
I'm a follower!
I linked to the giveaway on my blog.
I'm a follower of your blog.
I Like Nuun on FB and told them you sent me.
I follow Nuun on Twitter
I already follow you on Twitter.
Question: How long did it take when you started running to enjoy it? What was the turning point?
I'm following you on Google Reader.
What is your favorite race you have ever run and why?
How do you stay motivated to keep blogging? Your recaps are very thoughtful and must take a lot of time!
How do you stay motivated to keep blogging? Your recaps are very thoughtful and must take a lot of time!Janna
What are you most worried about for the HTC relay?
I liked Nuun on facebook.
I am a follower of your blog and liked you on FB.
What keeps you motivated when your mind and body are both telling you not to run?
I'm a follower of your blog
I already follow Nunn on facebook but left another message.
I hope you don't bust a gut thinking about me running in my underwear 🙂 I posted a funny comment on your facebook page.
I already follow Nunn on twitter 🙂
and finally I'm a twitter follower for Mom vs Marathon too 🙂
Did I ask a question yet? Hmmm…I am too lazy to check your 84 comments, so I'll just ask.How long before you and Mr. T got engaged? How did he propose? What was your wedding like?btw, my favorite flavor is strawberry lemonade too. We'll probably get along great…unless there is a limited supply in our van. LOL. j/k.
I follow
I so want to try NUUN. I really want it for tomorrow's run but I don't think I can talk hubby into driving 25 miles to get some.What is your favorite thing about the PNW?
I follow you!
What's your favorite place to run in Seattle! I love finding new places to run!
I'm a follower!!
What is one non-running item/ object that you will take along on HTC?
How exactly do you work Nuun into your long training runs? (I've only trained for halfs & never brought water along.) I'm training for Portland full, so I need to figure out how to incorporate hydration during long runs. Until you posted that you use Nunn on your runs, I only considered using water. (Duh. Nuun while running & not just after. Of course!) Your brilliant simplicity! Do you base your “Nuun sips/gulps” on miles run or minutes run? What Nuun “sip/run” ratio have you found optimal? Thanks! (I am SO addicted to Nuun that I fear if I were cut, I'd bleed Nuun… and wine. Yipes.)
Question: If you didn't live in Washington, where would you like to live?
I already like Nuun on FB
I'm a follower of your blog
I already like your blog on FB
Question: What's your dream vacation?
Follow your blog.
Added you on Twitter.
I follow you on twitter and your blog
I just followed nuun on twitter!
Was it Darcy that stuck the carrot up your nose? Lol!