I eat oatmeal almost every morning. I like my oatmeal, but it’s the same thing day in and day out: plain oats, a cut-up apple, a Tablespoon of brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon. Sometimes I throw in a few slivered almonds.
Both of those are flavors from Rokit Fuel’s line of Cereal Cups. I had my reservations when they sent me these to try, but I swallowed those doubts as soon as I tasted the Cherry Almond one. And let’s not even talk about the Pumpkin Chocolate one. Two of my favorite things…combined…and it’s good for me?
The cereals are around 350 calories, which is the perfect amount for my breakfasts. The pumpkin is a little higher at 390, but I’m willing to give up a few more calories if I can have chocolate for breakfast.
Here’s what Rokit Fuel says about their cereal and energy mix products:
“Rokit Fuel cereal and energy mix are made from honest, virtuous, good-for-you foods that are both nutritious and delicious. Each product is packed with whole foods (from 9-19) including grains, nuts, seeds and fruit. They also include bee pollen, maca root and gotu kola (functional herbs) to add to the excellent fuel value of Rokit Fuel. Read our ingredients label for a pleasant surprise. You can identify every ingredient, pronounce it, and see it before you eat it. How many other products are that simple, yet delicious? Hereβs to your health!” – Rokitfuel.com
The energy mixes are, well, interesting. They come in a pouch about the size of dollar bill.
On the back, are instructions on how to use it:
1. Open the pouch. (It was not as easy to rip as I would’ve liked, but I was able to get it open.)
2. Hydrate with enough water, juice or milk to moisten. (I wasn’t sure about this. Water? But when I thought about it, and what this type of food would be used for — hiking, camping, biking or even distance running — it made sense. I mean, you’re not really going to have a microwave with you on your backpacking trip.)
3. Refuel by squeezing into your mouth. (Like a gel.)
I tried the Spice Cookie Energy Mix. The package says it is 100 percent vegan and caffeine free. It also says “Not for Wussies” right on front. The entire package is 260 calories. I used water to moisten it because I felt like that would be the most realistic option if I were hiking or something. I filled it about half way with water and then tried to eat it right away. It was a little dry. I should’ve let it moisten first. After letting it sit for a minute or so, I tried it again. That was much better. Duh! But I have to say, this would not be my favorite way to refuel for running. I can totally see it on a hiking trip, but not running. I also think it would be better with milk, but would bet if you’re out on a mountain somewhere and not just standing in your kitchen, that it tastes awesome.
My absolute favorite thing I had the privilege of trying from Rokit Fuel were the energy bars. Dense, chocolatey, filling. I tried their prototype “original” energy bar and loved it. I ended up eating half of the bar as a pre-run snack and then saving the other half for the next day as I’m watching my calories. The bars are 360 calories. That’s a meal for me. (Rokit Fuel also has Booster Bars, which are closer to 200 calories.) But that 180 calories of the Energy Bar was totally worth it and the bar kept nicely for the next day. It didn’t dry out or anything.
Overall, everything was good and good for me. Love that!
Try some yourself! Two of you will win an Energy Bar two-pack (Original and Peanut Better) with a bonus Energy Mix to try thanks to Rokit Fuel.
Lots of ways to win, of course! (Remember to leave me a separate comment for each of the following to make sure all your entries get counted.)
1. Follow the Mom vs. Marathon blog, and leave me a comment.
2. Go to Rokitfuel.com, then come back and leave me a comment about something you like.
3. Like Mom vs. Marathon on Facebook HERE, then leave me a comment.
4. Add Rokit Fuel as a friend on Facebook HERE, then leave me a comment.
5. Spread the word: Share on your blog, your Facebook page, e-mail your friend and/or Tweet about the giveaway (make sure to @momvsmarathon and @rokitfuel). One entry for each of the ways you share. Just make sure you come back here and comment so I can count it.
6. What’s your favorite pre- or post-race food? Leave me a comment.
Enter through Sunday, June 19 (contest ends at 11:59 p.m. June 19).
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im intrigued by the holy pinole. very interested in pinole since reading born to run
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i friended rockit fuel on facebook
and facebooked (from my reason to run page), oh and the tweet was under @myreasontorun
my favorite prerace food is PB&J sandwich
Love the variety of products – those cereal cups look neat.I'm a follower!!
Just scoped out the website – I'm loving their “ugly bag” concept. They may not present well, but what a great way to save on packaging & costs!
I like you on FB – I was first, remember? π
Pre-race: bagel with PB & J. Post race: Pizza!
Great giveaway Kerrie! I follow!
I love that everything is natural. the RF formula 1 bar intrigues me!
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Liked RF on FB!
tweeting @blondeponytail
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My favorite pre-race food is a banana and PB. Post: usually a protein pack turkey wrap
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pumpkin and chocolate for breakfast sounds amazing.
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favortie post race food right now – huge protien smoothie – protien poweder, greek yogurt, coconut milk and whatever frozen fruit I have
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The oatmeal sounds amazing for breakfast
fav. pre-race fuel is oatmeal with fruit and post race is carnation instant breakfast or cheese string with apple
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i've been to the website and i like that their ingredients are “things your grandma keeps in her cupboard”…nice when it's real stuff you can pronounce!
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i liked Rokit Fuel Nutrition on fb though your link took me where i could “friend” a girl named (?) rokit fuel. I refuse to “friend” strangers but i can “like” the company page!
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YUM, I'd love to try their Straight up Peanut bar!
my fav pre AND post race food is a one piece of bread peanut butter sandwich. I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) so i disregard the running “rule” of not eating w/in 2 hours of a workout..and i ALWAYS eat a peanut butter sandwich within 10 minutes of my workout! Works for me!
I tweeted:http://twitter.com/#!/corgipants/status/80748088175763456
Post-race, I LOVE a banana and an oreo. And some chocolate milk!! I am a sweets hound!
Hey Kerrie!My name is Megan Rechin and I am a community outreacher (if that's a word π ) for a websitecalled healthrally.com started by a new software company focused on health motivation.The website is not actually up and running right now, but that's why I decided to contact you.I saw from your recent Twitter posts that you are into dailymile, as are we at healthrally.But we need people like you, with a determined and healthful mindset, to test out the site to see ifour idea can really help motivate you before we reveal it to the public.And I think you would be the perfect person to do this!Here is a short description of how the site works:HealthRally.com is a private social network where you choose a health goal likelosing weight or quitting smoking, pick a reward that could motivate you, and then invite yourclose friends and family to cheer you on and motivate you to succeed with pledges toward your reward.It's a new approach, and we are seeing our first group of users achieve their goals and have a bunch of fun in the process.If you would like to try it out, just write me back at [email protected] and I will send you the link :)You can also follow me on Twitter: @meganrechinOr if you have any questions, feel free to ask!Thanks!Megan A. RechinCommunity Outreach and Rally MemberHealthRally.com
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I like that everything is real food! and I want to try the chocolate dream! Love, love, love chocolate. π
I'm so bad, my favorite pre/post race food is my mt dew. π I need to have a few sips before and the rest afterward. Does Mt. Dew even count as food…. lol
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I shared your giveaway on my blog's facebook page!
Yes, following you.
I like that it is WHOLE FOOD.
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Pre-race: I get so nervous for races, I'm lucky to be able to eat at all. I usually try bananas, oatmeal or a bagel.Post-race: Again, this is difficult. I'm alright with shorter races, but I get GI distress with longer races, so I just try to force feed myself something easy like a banana or a bagel.
My favorite pre-race food is a banana and PB – sometimes toast and PB if I forgot to make sure there are bananas in the house.
I visited their website and love the creative names – like Stud Muffin.
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Pumkin chocolate cereal ALL THE WAY!!!
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Posted giveaway to my bloggy!
Posted giveaway to my fb π
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Pre-race quick oats w/ a banana! Post – protein shake!
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My favorite post run food is Powerade Zero, then a protien shake within an hour.
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Posted in my giveaway sidebar!
I usually just have a bagel before a race, and I'm still trying different combos–this morning (no race) was an everything bagel with peanut butter–pretty good!
Now following your blog and looking forward to it!
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I want to try the pumpkin oatmeal!
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I tweeeeeeted!
I like Clif Z Bars before I run. Filling, but not heavy, like Lara bars.
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Peanut butter and jelly sandwich is my favorite pre-run food and chocolate milk is my fave post-run snack!
I'm a follower.
Before my last couple of races, I ate toast with peanut butter and half of a banana. It worked well, so I think it's my new favorite pre-race meal.
I like the “Fuel for the Body” chart on the Rokit Fuel website. It's interesting that some of their products include bee pollen.
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anything with chocolate is AWESOME! ! !
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I kinda cheated by I re-tweeted the giveaway π
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I love that it started in Utah (since I live there, lol).
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I like the cherry almond cereal π
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