I know this is my blog and all, but I am loving these videos from Jeff Galloway.
In this one, I learned three great running form tips that I can’t wait to try! Okay, one I knew, but it’s a good reminder. The other two, I had not heard before. Here you go:
If you missed last week’s video, go HERE to learn about Galloway’s Run-Walk-Run Method.
Such great tips!!Great post. 🙂
So that's what he looks like. I've read his stuff but never saw his face. I could certainly use his tips.
Those are great tips. I'm a run/walker, and it's allowed me to run longer and farther (further?) than I ever have. Thanks for posting that!!
of course i had to watch the video just bc i love Disney so much and the Disney marathon. Ryan and i do what we call “jeff Galloway style” runs every now and then. My cousin did his program and ran a 3:18 marathon, he must have been really flying if he took a walk break every mile and still ran sub 3:20! you're still making forward motion so it makes sense.
Good tip – especially the posture one. I really need towork on that when I run (and sit at the computer).
@Bethany – I bet he didn't take a break every minute. There's a pacing guide on Jeff's site. I don't know what the run/walk ratio is for a sub-3:20, but it's probably like run five minutes, walk one. Still. Very impressive! I can only imagine!
The Gallowalkers normally pass me somewhere around mile 18 or 19 of the marathons I've run….