Did you see that Running Times magazine is going to stop…um…running? Rodale is ceasing publication of the magazine after the January/February issue.
This is terrible news.
As a former print journalist, I hate to see print publications die…especially at the hand of other print publications.
While Runner’s World is a fine magazine, its articles lean toward the newer runner. I find it a little fluffy. A little too, well, magaziney. That’s fine, of course, but in my opinion (unless they plan to change), they miss out on a big section of the running community.
Running Times took running a little more seriously. Took runners seriously. More content about running, less pretty models pretending to run in photos. More running news you could actually use. Running Times also covered a lot of news on high school and cross country runners, as well as news about masters runners.
RW doesn’t do that.
I’ve had subscriptions to both magazines, as well as Women’s Running magazine (which I hated, btw; newflash Women’s Running: women runners are athletes, too, not just girls trying to lose weight).
Running Times was my favorite running magazine. A few years ago, I unfortunately did some budget-cleaning and got rid of all my magazine subscriptions. Last week, I had just signed up to renew my RT subscription. And then I saw the news on Monday about it being killed off.
I was like, What? Whyyyyyyyyy?!
Well, I have an idea and I really don’t think the problem with RT was its content.
You know what I think it is? I think it just isn’t sexy enough for advertisers. The text-to-photo ratio was just too darn high. Too much reading. Reading isn’t sexy. But you know what is? Fitness models.
Ugh. I’m disgusted. Really, really disappointed. Why does everything have to be sexy nowadays?
I blame the Kardashians.
Don’t forget to check out FitFam, the new virtual run company. Sign up for the FitFam Challenge Virtual Run & Ride (Jan. 15-18) and get your year started off right. You get gender-specific shirts, a race medal and even a real race bib–so you get everything but the crazy crowds and having to get up at the butt-crack of dawn! Deal!
I’m thinking about signing up for the mile–feel like a little time trial is in order to see how slow I am.
Use MOVETHEMISSION10 to get 10% off of your registration!