I know what the judges would say:
“You just have to push through it.” Phbbt!
My joints ache. My throat is throbbing. And my tongue feels as if it is twice its usual size.
Didn’t I just have this cold?
Last time I was sick, I wondered what other runners do when they fall ill. Do they run anyway? Do they do some other form of exercise?
I don’t need to ask this time. It is obvious that my body needs rest and water and tea and reruns of America’s Next Top Model.
Luckily, T Junior is in a pretty good mood, playing with his toys or asking me to read him books. My only real concern is that we are almost out of diapers and I’m not up for a trip to Sam’s Club. Mr. T may have to make an emergency stop at Target on his way home…
1 comment
I was you last week…FEEL BETTER!! Tea and lots and lots of REST.. I generally try to sweat it out..but I have noticed that since I have gotten older and had kiddos I need the rest to recover..”The person I do not call will be asked to leave immediatly, gather her things and go home…” Or something like that LOL!!