I’ve been thinking a lot about races lately. I need some goals, people, besides just running for the fun of it.
I posted a request for races on Facebook and got several ideas. So, I was thinking of doing the Issaquah Salmon Days 5k. But my friend insists I will be ready for that festival’s 10k. I agree. I think that’ll be fun. She also has a one-year-old boy, so we are going to push them in the race.
The same friend has convinced me that I will be ready for the Seattle Half the morning after Thanksgiving. This one makes me hesitate a little. Will I be ready for this? I wasn’t planning on doing a half till spring at the earliest! I also need to talk to Mr. T about it before I commit myself to this race because he will be watching T Junior while I’m criss-crossing the chilly streets downtown. (Sorry, kiddo, I won’t be taking the BOB on a 13.1-mile run.) Plus, it’s $75, so I better be darn sure I can do it.
Speaking of signing up for things, I also will be registering for the Seattle chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writer and Illustrators this week. Finally! This is something I’ve been wanting to do, but have found an excuse to not do, for years. About NINE years! *shaking head*