If you are my friend on Facebook, then you’ve already seen this…so I apologize. But it is too good. Anyone know what in the heck is going on here?
I had to stop and take this photo on my drive home…right in the neighborhood next to mine. What in the…?
Maybe, it's a spin off from the Green Men at hockey games. They try to annoy the opposing teams players when they are in the penalty box. It started with green men, but now there are red men and yellow men…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkXvwG8xKJI
ha ha! What?!!! Too funny!
That's pretty crazy… I have NO CLUE what it is!!!
Weird. Are those adults?? They look short!
that's Hilarious!!!
A colorful version of leap frog? That's hilarious!
Eeek! They're coming to take me away! I'm seeing colorful people playing leapfrog! Help!
Ha! What the heck!?! My word verification is flying…how appropriate!
Is that the Wiggles?
Somebody mentioned it on your facebook, but they're morphsuits.http://www.morphsuits-canada.com/morphsuitsNow, what they were doing, I don't know. But, if somebody is going to buy a morphsuit in the first place, I wouldn't expect “normal” behaviour from them…
So funny!
That is… weird. LOL.
Were there television cameras? Maybe PBS was filming a kids show?
That is AWESOME!! I hope they come to my neighborhood.. Hmm idea for future team outfits??