First post-injury run: Done
Second post-injury run: Done
Third post-injury run: Done
Pain? None
Friday was my first post-injury run. I got up at 6:30 a.m. with a pounding headache that would not go away. I wore the same outfit I sported on my last real run before I cut back and eventually stopped running: a 14-miler with Jill. I thought it would be appropriate. Although, I’m not quite back to running like I was a few months ago.
I’m following the Couch to 5K plan because it’s slow and eases you into running, which is what I’ve been told to do. So far, no pain. A little soreness, yes, but it went away, which is what it’s supposed to do.
I definitely don’t feel ready for the You Go Girl 10K that’s a week and a half away, but I’m just planning on taking it easy. The past few months have taught me a valuable lesson about slowing down.
Friday’s run/walk was good, I guess, besides my head throbbing with each step. For that reason, I did not take music with me. But the time alone, outside felt too short, as did Sunday’s run/walk, which at least managed to lift my severe grumpy mood. Tuesday’s was on the treadmill at 4:30 a.m. before work, so it was actually the perfect length. I had a great time listening to my music and staring at Sports Center while other early-morning gym-goers did their own routines around me. I wondered if anybody (because it’s typically the same people at that time in the morning) noticed I wasn’t on the elliptical or bike. Yay!
I’m still chipping away at my weight. On Friday, I was down to 160.6. I’m almost to the 150 range! Only a week to go in the SOWL, people! Well, not really because I’m just going to keep losing till I get to my goal – I’m hoping around Christmas, which will be tricky.
That leads me to this week’s challenge (I will have one more for you next week). What will you do to either continue losing or maintain your weight through the holidays? Think about it ahead of time so you can stay focused.
For me, it’ll be all about the marathon. I need to lose the weight while building a running base so that when I start marathon training in the spring I will be lean and well-conditioned. I will be lighter on my feet and I will be better prepared to start adding mileage, unlike last spring when I started adding mileage to a near-non-existent base, which resulted in the aforementioned injury – aka stress fracture in my left shin. Oops. Don’t want to do that again.
PS: Thank you all for your continued support through comments and DailyMile and the other random places we connect. I’ve settled into once-a-week blogging and am liking it. I’m trying to get around to your blogs more, although I’m sorry I can’t comment as much as I used to. And don’t be surprised if a Sunday post shows up every now and then…been thinking about adding just one extra day.
You are looking so slim & fit in that pic! Congrats on a successful return to running and good for you taking it slow and steady!
wow. yea, if you compare your May 9th 14-miler pic with today's pic, the difference is unmistakable. You're lookin' GOOD.You'll do great at YGG. Its your birthday, how could it not be a great day?!?
you look GREAT in that picture!!!! wow!
COmpletely awesome.Love the photo.You rock.
girl…you are looking skinny! congrats on getting back in there! you can do it!
Kerrie, I totally think you look AMAZING right now. :)That is so great that your runs aren't leaving you in any pain…that's a good place to be! And I'm ready to jog/walk the 10K with you next week! So excited!
You look GREAT!Now as for training, all I can wish you is patience. Lack of it got me into trouble many (too many) times.
You look like a runner! Look forward to seeing you on the 26th – keep up the slow build-up.
I'm so happy for you!looking good lady 🙂
Yay for no pain! You look great! 🙂
Kerrie, you're looking great!! Glad to hear the return to running is going well, sounds like you are easing into it with good results!
Wow guys. Thanks for all the compliments. 🙂
Yay for pain-free runs. So awesome. I got bad headaches my first few runs when I started up again too!
Great blog! I'm excited to start following! Congrats on the weight loss too! I just started using to track calories. Before spark, I used a spreadsheet. Now, I like tracking specifics like calcium, iron & b's and daily carb/protein/fat percentages. So, I plan on using spark through my half marathon and the holidays to stay on track. xoxo
Great tip Amber! I've heard of sparkpeople before, but always forget to check it out!
You look great in your picture! Good luck with the Couch to 5K. I have a friend that followed it with great success! 🙂
pain free running is a good thing!
Let's talk about how I am totally living through your running updates right now! It's ridiculous. Holiday challenge accepted. We're going on a cruise the first week of February … so no lee-way there. Work is going to be insane w/ sugar treats during the holidays – but luckily I sit away from most of my team. We only go home for a few days during Thanksgiving/Christmas, so I will just pack snacks and meal substitutes – and take over my mom's kitchen for dinner a few nights.
i agree with everyone…you look really great and fit in that picture!!! You are doing awesome!!
You look great!