Note: Video of T Junior’s first ever race at the end of this blog, so stick around! And turn up your volume!
The wind beat against the side of our house and the lights blipped. Friday night’s storm was making me nervous for Saturday morning’s race because it wasn’t going to be just any race.
It was going to be T Junior’s first 1K and my first real race since being injured waaaay back in May. And it was going to be with my family, friends and with costumes. But the weather was threatening the fun factor.
Saturday morning came and I heard wind gusting outside my bathroom window as I got dressed. But when I went downstairs I saw that sounds can be deceiving. It wasn’t bad.
Then we drove through Auburn. Heavy rain and wind. My heart sunk. I wasn’t going to make my kid run in that. But wouldn’t you know it, by the time we got to T-town the rain had mostly passed…and the sun would come out during the race and stay there for the kids! It was perfect!
Saturday was the Santa Runs Tacoma 5K, 10K and the kids 1K. Several of us local bloggy, running ladies were there: Alma, Chelsea, Janna, Jill, Kadie and Mel. We wore striped socks and found fun Christmas shirts for cheap. There was a lot of hugs and excitement. And, of course, pictures.
Elf ears from my MIL!
The fun morning was about to get even better as we crossed the start. I felt good. I’d barely been thinking about the race. I guess I was more excited about T Junior’s race to come. Once I crossed the start, though, I realized my friends weren’t with me. I turned around and ran backwards for a few feet and couldn’t see them.
I realized I didn’t really have a plan. Was I going to stick with them or try for a PR. It only took me a second to decide. PR.
I took off, but I was way in the back and had to weave in and out of people as I tried to stay steady and strong up a freeway onramp. Please, please, please do me a favor: If you need/want to walk, pull off to the right…or at least look behind you! I can’t tell you how many people came to a dead stop right in front of me. Be conscious of other runners. Please!
Also, I love dogs. You know this. (I saw two boxers, by the way.) However, if you are bringing your dog to a race, please keep it on its leash close to your side. One runner’s dog was at the end of his leash running in a crowd. The dog darted in front of me and I almost tripped over the leash. It was scary.
Oh, and be prepared for poop. Just before the end of the race, one runner’s buddy had to go and stopped to do his business right in the middle of the road. But that smart runner/dog owner brought a baggie and was quick to clean it up! Thank you!
Besides those couple of things, the race was pretty uneventful. Except.
Except I kept looking down at AJII (my Garmin) and seeing a sub-9 pace! The course had the hill/onramp at the beginning then was flat until a hill just before the turn-around, then it was flat again until the hill/onramp toward the finish/start line again. At least this is how I remember it.
At 2 miles, I started to wonder if I could hold the sub-9 pace I was pulling. But I saw it hadn’t even been 18 minutes yet and I knew I could slow to a 10-minute pace if I needed to and probably still PR (although, I have to admit, I couldn’t remember what my 5K time was at the Jingle Bell 5K last December — I thought it was 30-something and…it was a 30:16).
I was tiring a little and my pace was creeping up. I remembered my shuffle step (Jeff Galloway’s tip) and the pace came back down again! Up the final hill I went and then down, where I spotted Mr. T and T Junior yelling and waving at me. Mr. T took pictures, which I will post later. I waved both hands at them frantically.
The hill flattened out and the finish line was near. There was a dude cruising on in and I thought I might be able to pass him. I thought of Zoë and I knew I had to “chick him” for her! I sprinted as hard as I could and I passed him.
Except he must’ve not appreciated that because he sprinted and un-chicked himself right at the finish line! Darn it!
I don’t know. He might’ve been officially chicked. We’d have to go to the replay. But whatever.
I’d seen 28-something on the clock as I crossed and knew I’d PR’d! I was so excited I forgot to turn AJII off until after I got my water and my very cool race mug. I was a little nauseous. I guess I really pushed myself. But I held it together. I didn’t see Mr. T and T Junior anywhere, but I found Mel and her awesome mom at the finish.
(They eventually suggested I borrow their phone to find my family, who happened to be right on the other side of a van from where I was standing. Oops. Note to self: have a meeting place planned ahead of time. What a dummus.)
After everyone had finished the 5K and 10K, it was time for the kids race! Mel snapped a shot of me and T Junior, who had his “race face” on along with his Washington State University track suit, and his warm hat and mittens.
He smiled almost the entire race! I got it on video, of course (at end of post), but Alma got a great shot of the whole fam!
At home, I waited FOREVER for race results and FINALLY they came in:
That’s an 8:51 pace. An 8:51 pace! Booyah! (A little weightloss, slow running and strength training can go a long way!) I also placed 14th in my age group out of 89! Wearing striped socks…and huge elf ears!
Okay, enough of that. Here’s the video of T Junior’s race. Don’t worry I cut down the time. It’s a bumpy ride, but it’s fun and set to music!
Thank you Janna, Jill, Mel and Alma for the photos, and Chelsea for the yummy treats!
Kerrie, You Rock!! Congrats on your PR!Love the ears :)T junior is adorable!! Future marathoner, I think!
I agree with Trish…you ROCK! That's an awesome PR and you will totally blow that PR out of the water again soon. I know it!T Junior kicked butt too! He's got a great stride!
How freakin' cute is he?!! Love the video … and congrats on your PR! So exciting!Winks & Smiles,Wifey
Kerrie!! That was so fricken adorable! The hubs & I just cracked up watching him. So cute!
Yay!! Congrats on an awesome new PR!!
T Junior is amazing….nice pace, good stride and love his duds….GO COUGS! We really need to get our families together!!!
Ah Kerrie! I was so glad to see you yesterday! Awesome job on the PR! And T Junior was sooo adorable!
Awesome job – congrats!!
Thanks everyone!
What a fantastic day all around!!!!! A PR and Junior's first race!!! Love that!!! CONGRATS!!!
GOOD WORK!! you are looking so fit, I love that it is spreading to the next generation.
How cute is T junior! Your outfit rocks too! Super fun race And CONGRATS on a stellar 5K!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK! 😀
PR! Looks like you had a great time!
Congrats on the PR. I was wondering where you all got your socks?
@Anon – Thanks! You know, I can't remember where Chelsea ordered the socks from. Somewhere online. Check out her blog: Will Run for Food. She's in my blogroll. 🙂
This absolutely just made my day! What a great idea! Congrats on the PR and your little man is just precious!