Remember last year when I fractured my left shin, but I didn’t know I fractured it, but I downgraded my first full to a half marathon walk anyway because Coach Tony told me to and I was in pain and stuff?
And remember how a few weeks after the half I went to the sports podiatrist and he told me I fractured it and wouldn’t be able to run for lots of weeks?
Remember how he said my shin problem is probably actually caused by my hips and that I have this genetic thing called acetabular anteversion, which means my hips point inward? Remember? He hoped the orthotics would help correct that a bit?
I was looking at one of my photos in which I have no shoes on and I could really see what he was talking about. It’s so totally obvious.
I’m not pigeon-toed, I have acetabular anteversion. |
You can’t see my feet, but they are straight forward. Look at my left knee! It’s completely facing inward. My right one looks a little better. But, geez! No wonder I have soreness on the inside of my left leg — that’s where all the impact is going.
This morning I, as Jillian says, “phoned it in” during Level 2 of 30-Day Shred. It was 5 a.m. I was sleepy. Feeling kind of down today, but I haven’t taken my Vitamin D yet, so maybe that’s it.
Looking forward to a run tomorrow!
totally see it! Craziness. What's this 30 day shred…you're always doing super cool things!
did he give you some exercises to do? I have a similar problem from the combination of a horse accident and childbirth (unrelated occurrences). I have some different stretching exercises to do and visit a chiropractor.
I was going to suggest the chiropractor too. I have hip issues and between her and my PT guy I am a new person!! Good luck!
yup, I see it. hmm. good observation!
dude. totally see it. You may not have been born with perfect runners' mechanics, but you're running anyway! And thats a testament to runners everywhere.
Yeah totally see that. If I were you, I'd be seeing a PT (not chiro) and getting some exercises for stretching and strength. yay for 30 day shred.
oh my gosh, you can see that…Good luck! oh and Love me some 30 day shred too 🙂
Crazy! That's a unique situation… or is it? Do more people have that? Or is it not common? Either way, looks plain as day when you point it out.
Wow! i see it! Anything that you can do besides the orthodics? =(
i was having issues w/ my hips / knees as well- not quite what you have, but my knees went inward when running (find standing)took 2 months of lightly running, but finally pain subsided. Hope yours does as well!