Before you read this, go HERE to see what this awesome lady is doing today! She’s. Freaking. Got. It. (Also, it would be super cool if you could donate a couple dollars to her cause. I mean, she’s running 24 hours on a treadmill, people!)
So oh yeah, I am running 20 miles on Sunday.
For some reason, I’m not scared. I think, maybe, it’s because I have broken down the route Zoë and I will take. (And also because I have an awesome buddy to run with.) We will park more toward the middle of our regular long-run route, and do five miles out and five miles back to our cars where we will refill fluids, eat something, stretch, probably take a bunch of pictures and use the Honey Bucket. Then we will go five miles in the other direction (a more scenic direction) and five miles back.
Just 10 and 10. No big whoop.
This method worked really well for me last year when I did most of my 18-miler alone. I had a friend meet me for the final four, so it just felt like seven out and seven back. No biggie. The last four flew by with my friend.
The one thing I’m worried about, though, is the weather.
Of course.
The forecast calls for rain showers and the temperature will probably be mid- to high-40’s. I don’t really care except I really would like to experience a long run in some warmer weather. Something similar to what it will be like during the race. How can I get my water, outfit, pace and all that right when I have not been training in warmer weather? I wore a down jacket on Monday, for crying out loud.
Despite the cooler, wetter temps, I’m going to make this 20-miler my test run just in case it’s my final long run (ie my shin acts up), but I won’t be able to test everything I wanted to.
Things I WILL NOT be testing because of rain (wah, wah!):
–Pink RoadRunner visor. I’ll be wearing my trusty white hat, which I really love because I won it from Amanda, who used to live around these parts and is now across the country. Not sure I’ll be wearing a visor on race day anyway. Also, wish I would’ve gotten white. Goes with more stuff.
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Trusty white hat and trusty running buddy, Zoë. |
–White Nike running skirt. While I don’t think it’s the same kind of material used during Greek Week wet t-shirt contests, it still seems like a bad idea. Plus, I don’t want to get it muddy on the butt-side. I’ve seen the back of my legs after a wet run. Not pretty. I pity anyone running behind me in a wet race. Watch out! Flying mud! (Hey, maybe that’s a shirt idea.) Also, not sure this is even a contender for race day as it has “compression” shorts that don’t compress and the fabric is a little on the thick side.
–Gray Mizuno sweat-wicking V-neck t-shirt. I’ve worn this before on shorter runs and like it. It’s super soft, on the thin side. Very lightweight. But I will probably be wearing a jacket and will be too warm with the t-shirt and the jacket. Not sure it’s a contender for Seattle Rock N Roll anyway because, well, it’s sort of boring and we get enough gray in Seattle.
Here’s what I WILL test on Sunday:
-White CEP compression socks. I wore my pink RunLove socks for my 16-miler and they worked like a charm. I wished I would’ve worn them on my 18-miler. My white CEP’s are very similar and have yet to be tested on a long run.
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Socks and skirt combo for Sunday. The ears and canine are staying home. |
–Purple and gray camo RunningSkirts skirt. All along I thought I’d be wearing my pink plaid skirt for my first marathon, but now it is a little bit too big – it rides lower on my hips. It’s also the athletic skirt with compression shorts. They are not compressing anything anymore; they are loose and I’m not sure that will be good for my thighs. I’m leaning toward the camo skirt for my race. I’m a little sad because it’s purple and pink is my signature running color. BUT, I really like the skirt and it fits me perfectly right now. It does not go with my pink RunLove socks, however, so I may need some purple ones. The camo skirt has briefs and I did experience some crawling a couple of weeks ago. So I’ll have to be on the pick-out for that. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
–Music or no music. I have not quite decided. Sometimes I feel like taking music is sort of a pain. The earbuds, the cord, the playlist prep. People that have run Seattle Rock n Roll full: Is there music pretty much the whole time? Do you think I need music? I’m sort of thinking maybe I’ll run the first half without it and turn it on for the second half. What do you think? I’m taking my phone anyway, it’s only one extra step to put my earbud in, I guess. Argh. Not sure what to do on this one. I’ll be creating a new playlist if I decide to take music. New kick-butt song: I Wanna Go by Britney Spears. (Please do not tell me what she’s singing about; I prefer to be in the dark. Frankly, I’m a little scared. I figure it can’t be worse that Rihanna’s “S&M” lyrics, which I tried to avoid but is all over the radio and…darn it…it’s catchy.)
–Pre-run food. Toward the end of the 18-miler a few weeks ago, I got really hungry. The gels were not enough. Zoë asked what I’d had for breakfast, and all I’d had was a smallish Thomas English muffin with a little peanut butter and some honey on it. And a coffee. Maybe that’s not enough. Should I eat two of those? I hate to try any new foods because I know that the bread/PB/honey combo works/doesn’t bother my tummy.
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Yummy! (source) |
–Mid-run food. I will be stashing food in the car so we can get some extra fuel during the run. What else should I put in there? More English muffins? Luna Bars (which I love and usually eat pos
–NUUN. I love my NUUN and it has not failed me yet. In fact, I only drink NUUN during my long runs. I don’t bring plain water anymore. Why? Well, this one time at band…wait. One time last year, I didn’t bring NUUN and had plain water only during a 15-miler, and I had soreness afterward like I’ve never had (except after my first half at which I barely drank anything, including water). NUUN has salt and electrolytes and all that stuff. I don’t think I’m ready to take salt tabs or any of that, so I will be relying on my NUUN supply to get me through the 20 hydrated and plenty salty. This reminds me: When I finished my 6-mile tempo run on Sunday, I had salt on my face from my sweat. I took NUUN with me and drank about half of it during the first half of that run. The HOT 6-miler I did the week before? No salt on my face. No sweat, even.
–Tape. I’m considering taping up my left shin like I used to do in high school with KT Tape (I purchased some in pink, of course). Just to be safe. I’ll have to review how to do this, though. Thoughts?
–The Brooks jacket. I wish I wasn’t testing this, but with the weather, that’s what has to happen. Where will I put all my gels when I am not wearing a jacket on race day? My phone/camera/music player takes up the entire pocket on my Nathan fuel belt. I’m not wearing two belts and my arm band is ripping (plus it’s not waterproof). Wait. I just got an idea.
–Gel storage. Okay, I’m going to try pinning gels to my fuel belt. This could be interesting. First I need to find some leftover race bib pins somewhere…
–Getting up super early to run. I haven’t had to get up very early — ever since we canceled our gym membership and got our own treadmill. (Remember, early means something entirely different to a mother.) But Zoë and I will be meeting super, duper early to rock 20 miles on Mother’s Day. I’m sure it’s not as early as I’ll be getting up for race day, but it’s pretty close.
–BodyGlide. Let’s see how well it holds up for 20 miles. Yikes. (Thinking I will reapply after 10.) I refuse to wear shorts under my skirt.
I feel like I’m forgetting something…
Sounds like you are all set! Enjoy it! I really like the long runs. Good luck with everything and Happy Mother's Day!
I have a white skirt…why do bad things happen when I wear white? It now has forever bird poop stains on it, they wouldn't come out. Couldn't I get pooped on in my black skirt? Good luck on your 20 miler–you've got a lot to think about to keep you busy.
The Seattle RnR has bands around every mile but you go by them so fast I wouldn't consider it listening to music unless you stop.I love that new Britney song. A LOT!I like NUUN's, too. Especially all their new flavors. I've never ran with NUUN's in my water though. I should try it.
Love that song too:) good luck on your run, I have 18 on Sunday. See ya in Seattle!
Got get it buddy!!So there is music along the course…it is maybe every other mile I would say and just for short stretches. If you like music you will want to bring it along, one ear bud and maybe for the second half..Such a bummer I had the same issue in Boston, I had been running in such cold that 60' felt like a heat wave.
Good luck Kerrie & Zoe! Looking forward to the report.
I agree with Mel on the music. While there are a lot of bands, there are some quiet stretches.As for food, why don't you slice up some banana and put on top of your english muffin and peanut butter (add more peanut butter too!) AND eating the night before is equally as important so be sure to carb up–even on those 20-milers and be super hydrated.I had been running in crap weather all winter. Eugene was beautiful and warm. I think it actually put a spring in my step!Keep me posted on those shin splints! Hope they are GONE! I suggest icing the night before even if they don't hurt! Have a GREAT run!
What about trying out some Cytomax? That's what they're having along the course and especially if it's hot, you may need to supplement the Nuun water you bring in your belt. I'm only doing the half, but I've been meaning to try some, just in case.
Sounds like you're READY!! I always bring music. I've never ended up using it, but it's nice to have the option.
Good luck on your 20!! I had my first last weekend. I wasn't scared. I won't go into it 🙂 You, I'm sure, will have a great run!! Like you said, it's only 10 and 10!
An english muffin definitely would not hold me over for 3+ hours. I like to have a bagel LOADED with PB and jam, and I'll have some instant oatmeal as well for a really long run.GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FIRST TWENTY!!!
Have a great training run (and Mother's Day)! Have you looked at getting an extra pocket for your fuel belt? Then you wouldn't have to have them flopping about the whole time…
Good luck! 20 is a big deal. I, too go with the bagel and honey and pb combo. I find the bagel adds a bit more bulk to the meal. I'm curious about your mid-run fueling. I'm thinking it should be something you can replicate on race day (i.e. something portable, unless you have a support team to meet you along the course with goodies).I was fortunate enough that my wife met me at mile 15 and swapped out Gatorade bottles and replenished my gels.
You sound like you're all set! 20 miles is a big milestone. I would be starving if I only ate an english muffin though, but I don't eat snacks in the middle either, so maybe you'll be ok.Good luck!
Good luck! I hope the weather and your shin cooperate for you.
You ladies are going to kill it! have fun and enjoy every step!
You have a great plan! You are going to do awesome.I love the pink KT tape! Hope the weathers is great!
Good Luck on Saturday. As I was reading the part about taping your shin I remembered there is a great article with video on If you go to the website and then type in the search “tape yourself” and bunch of different articles and videos come up. Hope that helps! Happy Mother's Day!
Good luck for Sunday…sounds like you are all set. You're going to do great!
I love your plan for tomorrow's 20. 5 one way and back… Then 5 the other way and back sounds easier than “20” even though the math adds up. I could see using that technique for any long run. Great idea and good luck!