“Winning isn’t everything. Wanting to is.” –Unknown
There’s a mountain bike in our living room and, so far, my husband has not complained about this. Good thing because I started training for triathlon on Monday.
You might wonder why in the world would someone start training for triathlon (notice, I left out the “a” – this is how real triathletes talk) at the end of triathlon season. I could be all , “Oh it’s ‘cause I don’t know what I’m doing on the bike and I should probably figure out how to shift and get my butt calluses going,” and that actually would be true. But the real, real honest answer is: I want to win.
I want to win my age group or whatever group I happen to be in when I finally compete in triathlon this summer – just a mere 8-9 months away. I want to win something, darn it!
I am extremely competitive. However, due to unspoken rules about appropriate societal behavior, I usually keep it in check. But I was a hard-core athlete when I was younger. Naturally, I was especially competitive in sports I excelled in. Do not get in my way in a soccer game, I will run you over.
Triathlon (see how I wrote that all triathlete-like?) is bringing out my uber-competitiveness. Running, for some reason, didn’t bring it out as much – probably because when I started, it had been so long since I ran. But I’ve been running for three years now, and I’m faster.
And I am very, very confident in the water – I swam competitively for 12 years. In fact, I do not know what else to do with myself in a pool besides swim laps. Who are those people that hang out in pools? How does one do this? I’m not fast, but I’m confident with more time in the water, I’ll get fasterish. I’ve spent many hours swimming in lakes and oceans. This part of triathlon (ha!) does not scare me. Bring it. I played water polo; I’ve been kicked in the face. NBD.
Then there’s biking. This is the new and exciting part, and if I can start training early enough, I think I can make up for lack of experience. I am very grateful to be borrowing a trainer right now until I get one of my own. BTW, is it me or is cycling helping my running? Today, I ran sub-8’s…not on purpose.
I do actually have a half marathon to run at the end of November, so I do actually need to start adding mileage. (I had to cut back after some shin and calf discomfort, for which I am seeing a PT.)
No plans to win the half, though. I’ll save that for triathlon.
My Triathlon Training Plan
The plan is heaviest on the running right now since I have the Seattle Half at the end of November.
- Monday: Bike and run (easy)
- Tuesday: Run (by feel) and strength
- Wednesday: Bike and run (speed)
- Thursday: Strength and rest
- Friday: Swim and run (long)
- Saturday: Bike (long)
- Sunday: Yoga
I’d appreciate thoughts on the training plan, but don’t give me a lecture about setting myself up for disappointment as far as wanting to win. I’m a big girl. If I don’t win the first time, I’ll just train harder and win the second time. 😉
When I started triathlon training I didn’t think I could be competitive and I quickly found out that I am a much better triathlete than runner. I have placed in both races I have raced in this summer, yet never placed in a large running race yet. Crazy. But, long story short, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. 🙂
Yay, Robin! I know the field is a bit smaller than running races so I feel like I am capable of doing well. Sure, maybe I won’t win the first time, but I want to TRY to!
So, you want to be a triathalete? Darn spell check wants to correct the spelling. Fine. Triathlete. I know you’ll be great. Swimming through the winter sounds, um, cold. I’m such a wimp.
Can I be a runner and a triathlete? I swam last winter. Heated indoor pool — it’s not bad. It is cold if you have to go out early in the morning, but the same goes for running. C’mon, Kim! Do a triathlon with me!
Good luck with the training. I’ve been curious about doing a Tri…just not much of a swimmer or biker!!! Lol. I do spin, and I can tell you that after spinning for 4 months for 3-4x a week, I broke my 5k PR from high school. So biking can make you a faster runner! Good luck, I can’t wait to read about your training!
OOOOO! I like hearing that! I so want to break my HS PR!
Go get it my friend!!! I love seeing your competitive side… You WILL get it..
Thanks, lady!
You want to WIN?!?!?!!! I LOVE your attitude!!! I feel like I will never ever ever win anything EVER, and I just am getting slower with time. What kind of bad attitudes do I freaking have??!!! I can’t wait for you to do one! I’ll cheer!
You are awesome. You should train to win, too. But let’s not enter the same race, k? 😉
LOVE your drive! I swear by cycling for running improvement, yup! with your skills & attitude, you are totally going to kick some booty next season.
So excited for you! I witnessed my first triathlon yesterday (Black Diamond), and it was dazzling. I’ll stick to running but I’m looking forward to supporting two buddies who are drinking the tri kool-aid.