I wasn’t afraid of too many things when I was younger. I flew to Switzerland when I was 16 and lived with complete strangers that spoke a different language. Growing up, I regularly went body surfing off the coast of California. And I always drove way too fast on the freeway.
Then I grew up and had a child.
Being a parent adds a whole new level of scared to your psyche. In fact, I think most parents walk around feeling like they’ve been punched in the gut about 90 percent of the time. Then again, that could just be me.
Experts say the stress hormone, cortisol, is linked to belly fat. Could this be an explanation for why people who have kids have a more difficult time losing the frontal flab? Hmm?
Soon, I am getting on an airplane with my friend Zoe and flying across the country…without my family. I can literally feel my stomach getting fatter by the second.
I know people who fly all over the globe all the time. Parents, even. But it is my first time going on an extended trip without my husband and son.
And it scares the shit out of me.
This is the second time Nuun has given me an opportunity to face my fears. In 2011, I was lucky enough to run the Hood to Coast Relay with them.

I’m incredibly grateful to be going on this adventure with Zoe to run the Country Music Marathon half thanks to Nuun, and I’m taking comfort in motivational quotes, and also a very timely book I’m reading about writing your own life story.
Tell me about a time you were scared for a running adventure! How did you overcome?
(Correction: The race week isn’t until the 22nd.)
Oh, it’s going to be fine! I almost always travel sans husband and kids – just because I have the wanderlust, and they do not AT ALL. There has never, ever been a crisis that he couldn’t handle on his own. The only trip I came close to canceling was Princess Half, a few weeks after Gab was diagnosed. And all my hand-wringing was unnecessary, everything ran smoothly. Relax!
I’m not worried about the hubs. He can handle it. I’m worried about something happening to me. The disappearing plane didn’t help.
So exciting! Wow, so stress is the reason my tummy is a bit puffy, good to know;) You are going to have a great time! I remember my 1st (and only) triathlon a couple years ago. I was terrified! Honestly more scary than giving birth naturally;) I didn’t really overcome it until after I finished swimming and I was out of my wetsuit. But for running races, I usually feel fine once I start running:) Then I am at peace.
You will return home, safe and sound. But I get your worry. To this day, I would never fly with my husband without the kids. One parent in the air at a time if we’re not all together. Crazy, I know, but it is what it is.
I don’t get too scared of running races, because I could always just walk (heaven forbid!) but every triathlon scares me. Plus, I don’t love flying either. But you will be with Zoe and will have so much fun!!
I’m not scared of the race at all. I probably should be, though, since I haven’t run more than 9 miles.
I’m a new mom and worrying has a whole new meaning!!! Have fun on your trip!!