We are trying to gather all the local runners who wish to participate in Beth‘s Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold on Feb. 11. If you live in the Seattle area, please contact me. I really think having a large group meet in once place to run in Sherry’s memory would be something very special.
We have chosen a beautiful meeting place and a decent (a.m.) time, so if you would like to join us, please e-mail me at kerrie (at) sanitydepartment (dot) com for details. (Note: We will all start together and then go about running our desired distances, pace, etc.)
Meantime, visit Beth’s page about the virtual run for more details and to donate to help Sherry’s family.
I am very interested!
Wow, that is really great that you are getting a group together to do the virtual run! I’ll be running with my training group that day and dedicating my run for the virtual run 🙂
I really wish I could come!!! I was actually thinking about the 1,000,000 inches run the other day…that was on Valentine’s Day in 2010 wasn’t it? Ah…I’d come out if I could. I have my bib printed and ready!
I’m looking forward to seeing all the runner ladies next weekend.
I lived out there for a few years but am back in the UK now otherwise I would be there with you. Good luck for this, its nice to read up on things going on in my old home!