I don’t have the time or energy for a full post tonight. Today was one of the longest days on record for me and T Junior. I’ll just say that the well-meaning company I work for held a bring-your-kid-to-work day. All day. Toddlers were invited.
Anyway, thanks for all the feedback on the Summer of Weight Loss! Looks like a lot of runners struggle with weight, especialy when training.
So how many of you would be interested in making the SOWL an official “thing”? I haven’t thought it through completely, but I think it would be motivating if we were, you know, “all in this together.” What do you think?
I am so struggling with 10 I need to lose and can't seem to motivate myself to do it. My wts. fine, but I don't race well at this weight and I must get it down before I attempt another marathon…so maybe this would be the ticket I need??!! Yeah, I'd be in :). Thanks, Kerri!
Umm… YES!!! After the Seattle RnR pics (the official ones, not yours), I am more convinced than ever that I need to lose about 25 lbs to really run well. They took a photo of me right behind an absolutely ripped runner wearing nothing but booty shorts and a sports bra. Ugh. WW is the only thing that's ever worked for me but I've struggled to do it on my own. I'd love to have the accountability. Lets do it! 🙂
I would so be in, Kerrie! I have done WW before, and had success, but like you I am not so great at doing it alone. So, yes, you can count me in as well!
I need to drop some weight so I'm in. I guess my “I'm running a lot so I can eat a lot” isn't the best way to think, huh?:(But that's all good because I just need to work hard and results will come, so yeah I'm in.
I'm in!
I'm in too!!
um, yes! I would love to drop the last 5 lbs of baby weight that seems to have taken permanent residence in my body!
I have never tried WW, but I know that there are weekly weigh ins. Maybe we could all just have a weigh in every week on your blog. Everyone would just put a comment on the weigh in post? Let me know if you would prefer a spreadsheet or something to that effect. I am more than willing to help organize if needed.I'm in. I will check out their site today.
I'm definitely in! I could use the accountability. Did I mention the two donuts I ate for breakfast? Ugh.
im in! i really need to get my butt moving on that last 10!
You know I'm in! ;)I won't be using WW, but I will be tracking my calories and using my bodybugg…so hopefully you all can help keep me accountable so that I can loose these last 9 lbs! 😉 WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
I would be in (if you will have us guys that *supposedly* can lose weight faster.) -please refrain from slaughtering me alive, I know it is true….. but I am still struggling right now.I was about 5-10lbs from where I needed to be while training for the 26.2, but put 15lbs on after the marathon because I kept eating like I was still training for the marathon. I guess a little post-marathon depression :)These 15-25lbs are probably what is keeping me from speeding up any further like I just mentioned on my blog yesterday.
You know I'm in!
i'd be in too! 🙂