Did you know you can be any kind of runner you want to be at any moment in time?
It’s pretty wild.
Being a runner doesn’t mean you only do 5k races or ultramarathons. You don’t have to choose trails over asphalt. You don’t have to be a sprinter or a distance runner.
You can just be a runner and leave it at that.
Because there are going to be times when you don’t feel like hitting the track. And, there will be times you don’t feel like doing a 3-hour long run on a Sunday (can I get a “hell yes”?).
In the past, I’ve felt like I had to choose. Like I had to pick one camp.
But sometimes the other camp sounded more fun. They were laughing. They had a campfire with s’mores and everything! But I wanted to stay loyal to my camp even though we only had a loaf of bread because a bear had ripped open our cabinet and stolen our chocolate and marshmallows in the night (a true story from high school cross country camp; go Vikings!).
But, guess what? This is a free country! Or, it will be for a few more months anyway. Let’s not take advantage of that. Let’s not make up fake rules about what we can and cannot do–especially about running!
I don’t know about you, but a big reason I love to run is the freedom of it! For the love! Let’s not get trapped by the very activity that makes us feel like Maria twirling in the Alps!
Exclamation points!
Right now, I’m the kind of runner who hits the treadmill for sprints and totally skips her long runs. What about you?