It’s 4:50 a.m. and country music cuts through the sound of the air cleaner and the giant fan in the master bedroom. I stumble across the room, slam my hand on the snooze button, and then feel my way back to my bed where, inevitably, I have a conversation with myself that goes a little something like this: I should get up. But I don’t want to. I should get up. But I don’t want to. Hey, you can watch Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders while you ride the trainer! Oh yeah! Geez. I want to look like them. Okay, I’m up.
Mornings are just so hard when there’s no DCC on the DVR.
Whatever is speaking to you on a certain day, listen to it and be inspired!
What inspires me:
- The thought of eating bowls and bowls of popcorn
- The desire for a flat, strong stomach (pretend you didn’t read that popcorn one)
- Thinking about the feeling I get after I exercise
- Thinking about typing my workout in Dailymile – hoping it inspires others
- Seeing friends’ accomplishments on Facebook
- Articles in Runner’s World, Running Times and Triathlete magazines
- E-mails and comments from friends in both the real and virtual worlds
- Watching athletes on television, whether it is a crazy-strong dancer or a world-class triathlete
- Seeing runners during my commute
What DOES NOT inspire me:
- Pinterest: Am I the only one that leaves that site feeling overwhelmed, and bad about my life, my house and my baking skills? Aaaaaaaack!
What inspires YOU?
I’m a sucker for Gatorade commercials 🙂 Every time I see them I want to put on my running shoes.
Great Post!!
A lot of the same things inspire me. I’m also inspired by my daughter and wanting to be a good example in both eating and exercise. Although sometimes I fail at this…for instance right now I’m eating potato chips (she’s taking a nap)…stupid salt craving!!
Thanks for the post! It’s helping me hold myself accountable. 🙂
Love your take on Pinterest 🙂 Lots of the same things inspire me too!
Pinterest is ssstttuuuuuuuuuppppiiiidddd!!!!
You sounded like Bruce Willis in “The Kid” right there. LOL
Watching any sport event inspires me. Also the thought of being a pro (i’m far off btw) inspires me.