Just after he got out of bed this morning, my 3-year-old son said, “It’s getting dark outside.” I made an aw-shucks face. “Nope, buddy, this is light,” I said in my best Eeyore voice. “It is daytime.”
That is the Seattle area for ya. Even though the clouds and rain help give the grass and trees their vibrant green hues, it is so easy to lose sight of that beauty when there is so much gray. It can get you down sometimes if you let it.
Today, was my first run on my let’s-not-overdo-it-and-get-hurt schedule. Running just three days a week now for a while: Monday (zen/recovery), Wednesday (speed) and Saturday (long/slow). Cross-training/strength will be Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
Running in the fall and winter…and spring can be challenging. Especially here. It’s dark outside. A lot.
Today, the clouds are moody and muddled gray. This afternoon, I sort of wanted curl up with a book and a cup of coffee instead of running, but I put my workout clothes on early this morning and it would feel like a fail to take off clean exercise gear. So I went. Besides, I was only going for 30 minutes…or 3 miles, whichever came first.
I walked outside and froze. It was not just gray, it was cold. And there was an icy breeze for the first half-mile when my body hadn’t warmed up yet. I considered turning around and coming back inside. I’ll finish this biznitch up on the treadmill. Luckily, I came to my senses.
On Miles 2 and 3, I was thoroughly enjoying my tunes and swinging my (now blond-ish) ponytail. (I got highlights. I’m trying to hold onto summer…and covering up, you guessed it, gray.) I was smiling, feeling good. I didn’t notice the cold or clouds at all anymore. It helped that I could feel my fingers by then. I breathed in the crisp scent of pine and noticed the golden leaves on some magnificent maples.
Back in my living room, and done running however, I again noticed how gray it was outside. Funny: Inside, I felt warm and sunny. And this is why I’m naming this run: The Cloud-Buster.
Get your Cloud-Buster on! It’s easy: 30 minutes (or 3 miles whichever comes first) of zen (comfortable pace) running OUTSIDE on a gray day. I guarantee you’ll come home smiling! (If you do it, come share your Cloud-Buster story on my Facebook page HERE!)
Love this post. It's amazing how much a little exercise can change your mood.
What a beautiful photo in your post.I wish I could have focused more but I was thinking of the beautiful scenery and the wonders you all have of being able to run in different seasons. Yes, I have no cold, icy season and should be grateful but oh my, being able to see the seasons has to be wonderful in some regards. If nothing else, it spices up your running.
Heading out for a run just now. It is still dark but unless I go, this family is going to suffer :)Your training plan looks good!