A few things…
1. As most of you know, Blogger had some maintenance issues over the past couple of days and, thus, Blogger was down for quite some time. Now that it is back, many of us are discovering posts and comments from yesterday have disappeared.
PLEASE: If you entered my Merrell Shoes Giveaway sponsored by OnlineShoes.com yesterday, check to see if your entry is still there. You will probably have to re-enter the giveaway. I’m so sorry, and yes, it’s a total pain. But it’ll be worth it if you win, right?!
2. Thank you Running Betty for reminding me that it is called minimalist running and not barefoot when there are shoes involved. Doh! Makes much more sense! I’m such a barefoot/minimalist NOOB!
3. OnlineShoes.com is also hosting a trail shoes giveaway. Win a pair of KEENs here.
4. Win some running shoes and a free trip to New York HERE.
5. Win beach essentials from Athleta right HERE!
6. Later today, I’ll tell you why I’m benching myself for 2-3 weeks…
This is totally unrelated, but what kind of dogs do you show?
We show boxers. Boxer, actually. Lucy is finished (a champion) and Annie is a couch-dog. Bennie is our only show-dog right now.