Yesterday’s Run Less Run Faster track workout was…well…it defies words. Except that wouldn’t make for a good blog post, so…
I had to do 6×800-meter repeats with a goal time of 3:41 (a 7:24 pace) up and down the same sidewalk straightaway in the industrial area near work. So, it wasn’t so bad at first (the first two, I did in 3:43 and the third one was a 3:41), but by the fourth one, I thought I was going to die.
In fact, there was this random old-school-looking helicopter that was making circles and then flying right above me along my same straightaway. Annoying! I don’t know what in the hell the pilot was doing, but there could’ve been a sniper up there who wanted to take me out and I wouldn’t have cared in the least!
So, yeah, the first three weren’t so bad. On the third one, though, one word was going through my head: relax. I just kept repeating it, trying to channel Desi and get my arms down and loose. I’m sure I looked nothing like Desi, but I think it helped to picture her running — maybe that’s why the 3:41? During the fourth one, things changed.
(Between each repeat was a 1:30 rest interval; I walked or jogged depending on how painful the 800 had been.)
I started to doubt myself big time. I wanted to be done and my stride shortened and became choppier. I thought that would actually help make me faster. But it didn’t, and I went back to a lengthened stride on the fifth one. That’s why I did the fourth 800 (which is half a mile, btw), in 3:46 and the fifth one in 3:43, which is closer to what RLRF wanted me to do (3:42).
The sixth one was a wash — my legs were jelly. It was like trying to whip a wet noodle. Not happening. So a 3:48 is the result of that.
Today, I got my arse out of bed at 5:15 a.m. and went to the pool. I got there on time (6 a.m.) and did a workout from the RLRF book: swim 8 laps, kick two laps, rest a minute. Repeat five times. Took me about 35 minutes. Perfect for before work.
Tonight, I have obedience class with Bennie again. I’m dreading it. But I know I’ll be walking a lot and burning some calories, so I am thinking of treating myself with popcorn when I get home (although, I just inhaled my lunch and now I feel snacky and could really use some of the 100 bags of popcorn in my desk drawer). After my strength workout, of course, which I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO DO ON TUESDAY BECAUSE OF WESTMINSTER.
Tomorrow, I have 7 miles at my Long Tempo pace, which is 8:43. But I also have some freelancing work to do. So, I may postpone the run till Saturday, and opt for a shorter bike ride tomorrow instead. I wish I had a bike trainer, though, because I think it’s supposed to rain.
What are your workout plans for the weekend? Are you racing? Are you also addicted to popcorn?
Not racing. Hoping to get in a bike ride in my living room on Saturday morning before going up to Port Gamble. Sunday I may just go for a walk, we have to be on the ferry to Port Orchard for catering tasting at like noon. BOO.
True story, my fingers are feeling numb because my face is still numb…it’s like they are sharing the drugs.
HUGE congrats on the 800s. That is a serious and you came pretty dang close to nailing it! Sounds like you are loving the RLRF routine! I may need to check it out…
I have to agree with the popcorn addiction. But currently, the braces are helping to curve my popcorn eating. Super sad because it’s one of my favorite snacks. Now it’s homemade trail mix instead. Workout plans for the weekend, a run but no clue how long. My sister wants to run green lake but I’m thinking maybe the trail along lake Washington is in order again! 🙂 Quick question: where did you fin the book run longer run less?
I don’t speak swimming, but that sounds like a LOT of laps. And 800s are the devil. Good job on all of it!
I am doing a half marathon this Sunday (Birch Bay), but to say I’m racing it would be an overstatement. As for popcorn, would that count as carb loading?
I have a 6 miler and a 8-10miler to complete sometime between today and midnight Sunday. LOL I am trying to be flexiable so if I don’t run the 6 miler tonight, then its tomorrow and Spin tongiht. The long run will be Saturday or Sunday depending on the weather as I want to do it outside.
I like popcorn and will eat until it is gone if I have it. But its not my go to snack. 🙂
Still so impressed you did 6 800s! Very amazing. I tried todo your workout today and did ONE 800. I’m not doing so hot workout wise this week, it’s annoying! Way to bust these out!
I have plans, though it is not running. I will get myself on my mountain bike and try to pedal until my legs give out.
Good luck with the obedience class.