I must be the only person who doesn’t care about the 50 Shades of Gray trailer out today.
I didn’t read the book and I probably never will. (I say probably because I swore I’d never read The Hunger Games, but I gave in to peer pressure, and I ended up liking the series.) Anyway, 50 Shades just doesn’t sound like something I would like.
I’m reading a bunch of books right now. I’m the kind of person who reads lots of books at the same time. Kind of like having a lot of different TV shows on the DVR, I tune in to whatever interests me at the moment.

Here are the books I’m enjoying right now:
I love this book, but I was getting overwhelmed with the heaviness of WWII. Doesn’t help that I have to watch a lot of real film footage of the war at work.
I’ve Got Your Number
Sometimes I like fluffy, girly fiction. I believe it was formerly known as “chick lit.” And Sophie Kinsella is one of my favorite writers of this genre. I laugh out loud a lot.
Eat & Run
I wasn’t sure I would like this book. I thought it would be all about veganism. It isn’t. And it is aligning perfectly with my current trail running obsession.

Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon
I’m loving the philosophy of this book. Loving. I’m trying to zip through it so I can get to the part where I create a training plan.
Wow. This book is blowing my mind. It’s really helping me think about what I want to accomplish with my life. I’m about to be in my late 30s, so it’s about time.
Elite Minds
I’m not reading this right now. I read it last month, but I would recommend this book to anyone, not just runners. The mind plays such an important part of everything we do.
With so much book talk on this blog lately, I feel like I should change the name. Can’t help it. Books and running are two of my favorite subjects.
What are you reading right now? Do you read a lot of books at once or do you have to finish a book before starting a new one?
1 comment
I’m with you on having no interest in the 50 Shades trailer – I didn’t read it either and doubt I will. I really enjoyed Eat & Run! I’ve got a bunch of books in the queue on my Kindle – I think The Husband’s Secret is up next.