First things first. I signed up for my first trail race last night! Before I could change my mind, I registered for the 5-mile Grand Ridge race, which is Saturday morning. Turns out a few friends will be there, too! I ran the course (in a different direction) a couple of weeks ago with Jen, and it was hilly! I’m excited! Can you tell! Use all the exclamation points!

But, seriously, I’m really into trail running right now. I’m like the Depeche Mode of trail running. I just can’t get enough.
On to today’s workout:
Today’s plan: Assuming I got 7 hours of sleep, I would get up and run before work.
What actually happened: My alarm went off at 5 a.m. I noticed it was sort of dark, I stumbled to the alarm clock and hit “snooze.” Then I went back to bed where I talked myself into getting up (win!). I fumbled around for running clothes, changed and went downstairs where I noticed the clock in my room is at least five minutes slow. Then I remembered I was going to go to work early so I could leave early to get to my dentist appointment on time this afternoon. Ugh.
I stood there, blinking, trying to do the math to see if I had enough time to run. It was 5:20. I needed to leave my house by 6:15. I wanted 3 miles. So that would have me back by 5:50ish, then I need to stretch. That’s almost 6. Then a quick rinse-off in the shower: 6:10. Getting dressed, throwing my lunch together…so a collapsed on the couch for 15 minutes instead (lose).
Okay, in retrospect, I might’ve been able to pull it off, especially if I’d planned. I should know better…but I was watching an episode of Boundless (which I’m hooked on thanks to my friend Michelle) Tuesday night in which they run the Caballo Blanco Ultra, and then I went to bed. I just sort of…forgot I was planning to run in the morning.
And you know what else. I’m also sort of afraid of running so early in the morning in the dark by myself. I will have to bring Mace and wear a headlamp or bring a flashlight. I need to get used to this. Also, I hope to get a gym membership so if I’m not feeling brave, I can go treadmill it up inside.
The actual workout:
Since my treadmill is still out of order, I had no running options this afternoon. It was hot anyway. So I rode my bike on my trainer in my air conditioned house while watching yet another episode of Boundless (this time it was endurance SUP–ouch). I wanted to get double the miles I would’ve gotten with a run, so I just aimed to get more than 6. I did 7.8 in 35 minutes and called it good.
Grilled chicken, broccoli and quinoa for dinner. And I did not gorge on Cheetos when I got home today! (Because they are all gone and the bag is in the trash.)
1 comment
Yay for a trail race!! I really want to do one next year, when I’m not pregnant, details. Excited to see how it goes for you and read your race report, whoo Hoo!!!